Foren / Cotonti / Support / A variable type check failed, expecting...

system log problems

#1 15. Oktober 2009, 00:53
A variable type check failed, expecting G/INT for 's' : disk - /admin.php?m=cache&s=disk

Since my SeditioTOCotonti migration, my System-log database table is full of this shit... it seems to be a problem in sed_import() function passing values.
At the beginning I thought it was a bad coding in some ported plugins, but, as you can see, this is a admin area problem... and many other entries refer to other core areas of the CMS itself...

What's the matter?
I'm tired of emptying the log every day 'cause the redundant datas in it... X-(
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#2 15. Oktober 2009, 02:10
Interestingly, if you open your system/core/admin/ you most likely will find this at line 28:
$s = sed_import('s', 'G', 'ALP', 24);
Which is G/ALP, not G/INT...
May the Source be with you!
#3 15. Oktober 2009, 15:54
So, what I have to do?
The problem is frequent also in list.php and other core modules... also when I navigate the site logged as Admin (so, it isn't a problem related to robots or spiders), in fact, the log, reports I'm causing those bad entries myself...
Moreover, those entries are present in usergallery plugin wich hasn't got $s variable! :O
For these reasons I was hinking about a bad behaviour of sed_import() function...
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#4 15. Oktober 2009, 16:32
And you are 100% sure that this is not caused by something that's hooking into all those locations?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 15. Oktober 2009, 17:29
What could hook all that locations?... A general plugin or a plugin hooking header or footer tags?
I'm using the same plugins I used in Seditio and never had those entries in the past...
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#6 15. Oktober 2009, 18:07
Header or footer. Seditio is an outdated system now, a lot of things got upgraded.

Make a list of all the things hooking into header and footer, uninstall them all and see if the problem's still there. If it's not, you have a problematic plugin. Install them one by one until you find the culprit.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#7 15. Oktober 2009, 22:09
Many Thanks to you, man!
A plugin hooking header was checking actual url and searching for an integer variable ($s) but many urls have got alphanumerical "s" in them (list.php for example)... ;)
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#8 15. Oktober 2009, 22:16
Glad to help.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>