Foren / Cotonti / Core Labs / multibox forms

multi box form for default register plugins

#1 29. September 2009, 06:12
I am trying to create a multibox form for some of the default register plugins ie: location - to break up the on form box to a few boxes to seperate the street #, name, city etc. How do I adjust the code to array the the boxes into one data peice to be uploaded?
#2 30. September 2009, 00:44
Nothing you could do to do that, it would be messy and require a plugin to import it and handle it, just use 3 fields, why wouldn't you want to?
#3 30. September 2009, 02:09
I would like to use 3 fields but right now there is only one feild for the whole adress and I would like to break it up into seperate feilds for each part of adress

Added 18 days later:

So you are suggesting to use extra feilds to break up for instance the cell phone number? I will try this but when it comes to the search plugin how do I make the system query those extra feilds?

Dieser Beitrag wurde von alphaphoenix (am 18. Oktober 2009, 23:33, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet