Foren / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / header_user

#1 14. September 2009, 06:14
why not add {HEADER_USER_AVATAR} as a tag?

This way you make Leetlogin obsolete..
#2 14. September 2009, 06:20
Yea but there is 0 other purpose for adding it to the core :)
#3 14. September 2009, 19:17
weren't you the one that was on a rampage about leetlogin in an other topic?

anyway.. does there need to be another purpose?
#4 14. September 2009, 19:25
You can even use something like
<!-- IF {PHP.usr.profile.user_avatar} -->
<img src="{PHP.usr.profile.user_avatar}" alt="avatar" />
<!-- ELSE -->
<img src="default_avatar.png" alt="no avatar" />
<!-- ENDIF -->
But I would't mind making it already available via some tag like {PHP.usr.avatar} generated with sed_build_userimage().
May the Source be with you!
#5 15. September 2009, 02:04
Well I think we should by default load all of user table into $usr anyways, which would solve this as well. We already query the table in common.php, this could save some queries in other area's, as well do the same for any place that uses $urr
#6 15. September 2009, 03:17
I completely agree. Someone please add a ticket, I'm tired of being a ticket machine :)
May the Source be with you!
#7 15. September 2009, 06:41
#8 15. September 2009, 18:57
Ticket created