Foren / Cotonti / Support / admin options on topic

#1 17. August 2009, 08:23

All the admin options on a topic (bump, delete, move...) are set in core ( and depending the skin is a pain in the ass to fit all the "isadmin" block, so I´m trying to have all the admin options on a topic available using a JQuery dropdown menu.

I´ve done that using this, but the main hook is before setting the template and the next one is the loop so I must change the core code to put the post.main hook after the template initializing (I´m refering to 0.6.1).

Wouldn´t be better to have the main hook after the initialization of the template? Or better than that, implement in the core the dropdown menu so it eases the life of the skin designers.
#2 17. August 2009, 15:08
Did you try using forums.posts.tags hook and reassign FORUMS_POSTS_SUBTITLE there? However, this admin block should be splitted and moved into TPL instead of hardcoded PHP.
May the Source be with you!
#3 17. August 2009, 15:59
Ok, I´ll try forums.posts.tags.
