Foren / Cotonti / Support / Parse old seditio smiles

Can I use bbcodes o SeditioCompatibility Plugin?

#1 6. August 2009, 01:50
How can I parse all old smiles in my website now that I've converted it in Cotonti?

What method do you recommend to me?
I was thinking to BBCodes in Admin Section or Seditio Compatibility plugin... :/
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#2 6. August 2009, 02:13
if you go to images/smilies.. you'll find the set.js file there.. edit it to fit your needs..
#3 6. August 2009, 05:10
Thank you, man! :)
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust