Foren / Cotonti / Support / A small problem

#1 26. Juli 2009, 10:00
I was trying to supe up my site with new plugins from and was installing the Buddy List plugin.When I put the {BUDDY_LIST} word in the footer.tpl,I went back to check my site and I got this:
Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/a5290112/public_html/system/database.mysql.php on line 219
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/a5290112/public_html/system/database.mysql.php on line 96

2009-07-26 01:51
Fatal error : SQL error :
If someone could just tell me the problem I'm sure I could fix it.Lombi I learned how to fish.Instead of taking one.
#2 26. Juli 2009, 14:06
erm ... u want to fix that old plugin or ur site?! :D im lost :)
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Cotonti Genoa based site:
#3 29. Juli 2009, 05:16
I wish I could just delete that post.I need help.It's been about 4 days since this has been answered.And that didn't really help.I reuploaded my plugins,my database.mysql file.But nothing is working.I need some swifter movement.A quicker reply.Get what I'm saying?

Dieser Beitrag wurde von minoation (am 29. Juli 2009, 10:39, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet
#4 30. Juli 2009, 06:05
hm.Why not try just deliting the BUDDY_LIST tag from the footer?
I'w tried to put the buddylist plugin myself,but it needs the Cpanel plugin.And the last doesnt work.
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#5 30. Juli 2009, 06:48
Ok.SunChase thanks for helping out.Up for the next challenge?
#6 30. Juli 2009, 06:50
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#7 30. Juli 2009, 07:07
(Announcer)Ok.Heeeeeerrrreeee it is (croud)ahhhhhhhhhhhh *cheer* *cheer* (chant) SunChaseSunChaseSunChase
Get ready for the next BattleStage 2

Dieser Beitrag wurde von minoation (am 30. Juli 2009, 07:14, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet