Foren / Cotonti / Support / Div Odd Even

#1 14. Mai 2009, 00:25
Is it possible to add more odd even type codes, as one is not enough for me and i would like to create a few more in the page section but i don't have the knowledge to do it myself
#2 14. Mai 2009, 00:55
You'll first need to describe your problem better...

You want odd/even/steven?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 14. Mai 2009, 01:17
This is what i mean.

normal odd/even:
below would be in a .tpl file

below is in a .css file
.odd {background-color:red;}
.even {background-color:blue;}

custom div1/div2:
below would be in a .tpl file

below is in a .css file
.div1 {background-color:orange;}
.div2 {background-color:yellow;}

basicaly like the odd and even but another lot of my own

Dieser Beitrag wurde von chobblr (am 14. Mai 2009, 01:22, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet
#4 14. Mai 2009, 01:21
You'll need to corehack then. Depending on how complex your new variables will be - if you just want to duplicate it should be fairly easy.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 14. Mai 2009, 01:23
is this located in the function.php file ?
#6 14. Mai 2009, 01:25
Depends on what you want to hack. If you want to hack list view it's in system/core/list/ if you want to hack forums it's in system/core/forums/
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#7 14. Mai 2009, 01:29
thank you, hopefully wont be to hard to add something like the odd/even tag, *crosses fingers*

Edit: i can seem to find the part

Dieser Beitrag wurde von chobblr (am 14. Mai 2009, 01:50, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet