Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / [Release] NameChange v2.0

Allow users to change their username

#1 10. Mai 2009, 23:55
I've updated the NameChange plugin by Spartan (Seditio plugin).

New features and modifications:
- Option to set a default username using tags like {NAME} and {EXTRA1}
- Added more options for minimum wait between changes (up to 10 years)
- Fully localisable (english and dutch included)

- Upload plugin files
- Open phpMyAdmin and run sql.txt on your database
- Go to admin/plugins/namechange and install all
- Open users.profile.tpl for your skin and add this tag {PLUGIN_NAMECHANGE} (next to USERNAME)

Download here

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Koradhil (am 11. Mai 2009, 00:33, vor 15 Jahre) bearbeitet
#2 11. Mai 2009, 00:21
The Links dead

Update: working now

Dieser Beitrag wurde von chobblr (am 11. Mai 2009, 00:24, vor 15 Jahre) bearbeitet
#3 11. Mai 2009, 00:25
Yeah a minor thing popped up (language tag didn't exist) so I had to update the file.
#4 11. Mai 2009, 00:32
great it works, but when a user changes his or her name it takes them to a page saying there not allowed to do this, even though they just did and it worked
#5 11. Mai 2009, 00:38
Check line 76, should be:
header("Location: plug.php?e=namechange&check=1&a=done");
#6 11. Mai 2009, 00:41
woop, thats great, does this alter the user name table ? or is like a mask over the normal one ?

When re-trying the message shows "You can\'t change your username right now. If you really need to change it, please contact an administrator."

Dieser Beitrag wurde von chobblr (am 11. Mai 2009, 00:44, vor 15 Jahre) bearbeitet
#7 11. Mai 2009, 00:44
It will change user_name in sed_users and keeps a record of old names in sed_namechange. Old names can be restored in admin > tools > namechange.
#8 11. Mai 2009, 00:46
Oh, thats even better, nice work :), saves me doing it and gives user that 1 step more freedom