Foren / Unrelated / Offtopic / Where did Cotonti come from?

#1 1. März 2009, 09:34
Where exactly did the name "Cotonti" come from? Is it just a made up name from some of the devs? Or does it actually mean somthing?
#2 1. März 2009, 17:36
I wonder on this also...

Im having trouble remembering how its spelt everytime i have to type it :-P

Cononti, Cotoni and so on, hehe
#3 1. März 2009, 19:31
The idea for the name came from a chat between myself and Kilandor. I was giving him suggestions that still had a .com version available and this one stuck the most.

It was immediately registered afterwards, so as you can see from the whois of the domain, the brainstorming conversation took place in April of 2008.

So now you know :)
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#4 2. März 2009, 00:35
oh okay
ive always wondered that for LDU, Seditio, and now Cotonti

they are such cool names :)
but anyways, thx
#5 2. März 2009, 01:38
I think the name is quite good, as it doesn't contain any characters or subphrases that can't be pronounced in some languages (such as 'g', 'h', 'ch'), which makes it good for international use.
#6 2. März 2009, 02:28
# robofreak111 : oh okay
ive always wondered that for LDU, Seditio, and now Cotonti

they are such cool names :)
but anyways, thx

LDU means Land down under (Australia).
Seditio was speculated to be "second edition" but was confirmed incorrect by the maker.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Lombi (am 2. März 2009, 02:29, vor 15 Jahre) bearbeitet
#7 2. März 2009, 05:53
Land Down Under comes from a song by Men at Work. Hence also the slogan that was used on for a long time: 'Can't you hear the thunder?'

Although I'm not sure, Seditio might come from sedition, which means rebellion.

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Koradhil (am 2. März 2009, 06:07, vor 15 Jahre) bearbeitet
#8 2. März 2009, 06:24
Seditio means rebel but really it only caused rebels, not a rebel particularly itself.
#9 2. März 2009, 19:05
#10 8. April 2009, 20:15
Wow we are entering the History of this kind of weg :D