Foren / Cotonti / General / Google Translate API for


#16 10. Februar 2009, 08:25
Wow! Super!
#17 10. Februar 2009, 08:51
I saw this yesterday. Simply amazing!
Perl - the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.
#18 10. Februar 2009, 14:54
Its nice, but a drawback is on large forum topic with huge posts, it causes your browser to lag.

Example, i used it here And since most of that thread is huge, it caused hangs/slowness. Though I doubt there is any way to fix that.
But I also notice it really breaks chili, anyway we can sanitize/prevent this?

It may not be fixable, but I just thought I might point out it can cause some browser lag/freeze.
#19 15. Februar 2009, 09:22
Your attention to the second version of the plugin, while the same beta

The plugin works steadily in both Firefox and Opera, in IE, there hangs on large positions forum.

Plugin ignores tags <pre class="code"> ***</ pre> and <div class="highlight"> ***</ div>. Additional tags can be inserted in the configuration of JS scripts.

Trustmaster installed on this site, testing will continue.

Download translate_beta2_30.rar

Manual for configuration and job description will be prepared later.
#20 16. Februar 2009, 03:13
The updated version is now used on It is also available in pages.
May the Source be with you!
#21 16. Februar 2009, 05:55
I installed the plug-in but I've had some problems with ff and ie.

you can look here:

excellent work with opera.
#22 16. Februar 2009, 07:07
Make all the styles in the css, then edit right in JS files. The reason your page:

<div class="codetitle">Kod:</div><div class="code"style="margin:0px; padding:6px; border:1px inset; width:660px; max-height:300px; overflow:auto">MYSQL = 1 / / Buraya 1 değerini verdiğiniz zaman mysql&#039;ı aktif hale getirmiş oluyorsunuz.<br />
MySqlHost = localhost / / MySQL&#039;ın bulunduğu adres.<br />
MySqlUser = root / / MySQL kullanıcınız<br />
MySqlPassword = password / / Var ise MySQL şifreniz.<br />
MySqlDatabase = sphere / / Son olarak bu da MySQL üzerinde kullanacağınız veritabanı adı olarak ayarlanmalıdır.</div><br />
A need to make it so :
<div class="codetitle">Kod:</div><div class="code">MYSQL = 1 / / Buraya 1 değerini verdiğiniz zaman mysql&#039;ı aktif hale getirmiş oluyorsunuz.<br />
MySqlHost = localhost / / MySQL&#039;ın bulunduğu adres.<br />
MySqlUser = root / / MySQL kullanıcınız<br />
MySqlPassword = password / / Var ise MySQL şifreniz.<br />
MySqlDatabase = sphere / / Son olarak bu da MySQL üzerinde kullanacağınız veritabanı adı olarak ayarlanmalıdır.</div><br />
To work properly you need all the styles were made in your CSS file.
Then see the settings in the JS file translate.forumposts.js and translate.pages.js and edit them to fit your needs.
var text_block_id = ".fmsg";
var translate_block_id = ".translate_fmsg";
var translate_block_insert = "<div class=\"translate_fmsg\" style=\"width:550px; overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:visible; margin-bottom:8px;\"\"></div>";
var def_lang_chekbox = "#deflang";
var langselectbox = "#lang";
var cfg_lock_tags = true;
var clone_mod = ""; //"notext" OR "" - with clone resource text 
var lock_tag = new Array("div.highlight", "pre.code", "div.spoiler");
var max_words_send = 480;
In translating tables, as well as to the type of "HTML" pages can be bugs.
#23 9. März 2009, 03:36
Do u use jQuery-translate plugin ( )?
#24 6. April 2009, 15:58
Nice, will add this plugin asap
#25 10. April 2009, 02:19
i like this ajaxy
Be sure to check out<br /><br /><br />
My site-<a href=""></a><br />
My plugins;TPL Editior 1.2 &amp; Mobile site
#26 15. April 2009, 23:49
Can't someone from the Cotonti DEV team post this a more easy way? You guys have it working so how about a "no pun intended" good english translated version get's posted?
