GHengeveld |
I noticed that the Seditio tag USER_EXTRA1_TITLE and the like no longer work in Cotonti.
Here's what I did to fix that: Place the following code: $t3 = $t1."_TITLE"; $t4 = $row['field_description']; $useredit_array[$t3] = $t4;In (system/core/users/): - line 333 - line 594 |
Trustmaster |
Is it missing in Admin => Users => Add/Edit extra fields?
May the Source be with you!
GHengeveld |
Yes it is. You can make custom fields with that module but it only makes a tag for the field. With my code it will also make a tag for the description of each field.
For example, I could make an extra input field named 'firstname', with description 'First name'. The module would make a tag {USERS_PROFILE_FIRSTNAME}, which in users.profile.tpl will be replaced by the HTML code for an input field. What is missing here is the tag {USERS_PROFILE_FIRSTNAME_TITLE}, which would be replaced by the description for this field, so 'First name'. My 3 lines of code will do exactly that. It would be nice to see this fixed in the next Cotonti release. |
Trustmaster |
I have added a Trac ticket. It will be fixed soon. You should start using Trac for things like this.
May the Source be with you!
GHengeveld |
Never used Trac before.. I'll try to figure it out.
Kilandor |
I think the reason it was probably left not to have a title, is because that forces it to be hard coded language. And not dynamic, you could simply use your skinlang and add a lang in there, and use {PHP.L.skinlang.whatever}. Or the title tag could be set to output a $L and not use the desc row.
GHengeveld |
Certainly true, but it's nice to have the option to go with the _TITLE tag instead of the skinlang. Most of my sites only support one language anyway.
medar |
Internalization is reason why i don`t add _TITLE in extrafields system.
But this may be done in next release for reasons of compatibility..
Trustmaster |
_TITLE could try isset($L[$extra_title]) and if it fails just assign the title as is.
May the Source be with you!