Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / [Sugestion] Image Gallery

#1 2. Februar 2009, 18:01
I know that allot of people needs this. A neat Gallery with "lightbox-style" view.
Where you as admin or certain users can Upload images to a gallery and make categories of it.
Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
#2 2. Februar 2009, 18:55
Isnt this already present? Usergallery 3 has lightbox views.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2. Februar 2009, 19:11
Instead of Lightbox, I suggest using Highslide, which is more versatile. Unfortunately it's only free for non-commercial use.
#4 3. Februar 2009, 23:50
# Lombi : Isnt this already present? Usergallery 3 has lightbox views.

You mean this:
Didnt know that Cotonti was able to run same plugins as seditio!
#5 6. Februar 2009, 07:53
Please also look here.