Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / Google SEO Positioner

#1 26. Januar 2009, 04:21

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about choosing the right keywords. Through various online tools it is possible to generate synonyms and alternatives to build up a possible keywordlist for your own website. After creating that list, you can start indexing your website so you can associate the keywords on the relevant webpage.
You do want to have your pages ranked in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) no?
To Rank Or Not To Rank...

After putting the right keywords in the right page, it is imperative to keep track of your keywordperformance. With this handy-dandy plugin it is now possible to track your website for your keywords in Google. I've mainly focussed on Google as it's influence and importance is still a lot higher then al the rest together.

At the end, you should be able to track a certain keyword on a certain page, and have a rising curve, meaning that your webpage started to rank better and better for a certain query or query-related keyword.

Basically what this code does is it saves the data from which keywords people came to a specific page (so that you optimize better)
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#2 26. Januar 2009, 05:06
Core no, but someone could make it into a plugin.
#3 2. Februar 2009, 06:39
Advanced version of referers.
Ne hasta bekler sabahı, ne taze ölüyü mezar, ne de şeytan bir günahı, seni beklediğim kadar;<br /><br />
Geçti istemem gelmeni, yoklugunda buldum seni, bırak vehmimde gölgeni, gelme artık neye yarar...
#4 2. Februar 2009, 18:18
Yes, pretty much. Better yet, a useful version of referrers :)
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 5. September 2012, 20:54

you did contunie ? : )) long time happend

Kurta sormuşlar senin ensen neden kalın ? diye, Kendi işimi kendim yaparımda ondan demiş...
#6 8. Dezember 2012, 23:14

I think you're looking for something like this plug-in =>

plugins title = gelenaramalar ( print the words on the page by searching for)

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