Where should be kept tpl files plugins from the standard distribution

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11 Datum 21. Januar 2009, 23:41

Foren / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Umfrage: Where should be kept tpl files plugins from the standard distrib

#1 21. Januar 2009, 23:41
Your opinion
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#2 21. Januar 2009, 23:50
All plugin TPL's should always be in the plugin folder. Its good standard practice to keep them there. For the core this should be the case. In the case somone say has completely different skins and needs multiple, then can move them to their skins folders.

Most of the time a site has only 1 skin, and or most plugin TPL's are basic that that work with any skin.
#3 22. Januar 2009, 00:16
I think the 1st and last variant are best of all
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#4 22. Januar 2009, 01:21
No, no, here is a simple guideline:
  • A plugin folder must contain a default generic template which is suitable for all skins or can be used as example for skins.
  • If you need to adapt that template for a skin, copy it to skin folder and change the layout. But don't just duplicate the same template in skin folder.
  • May the Source be with you!
    #5 22. Januar 2009, 01:31
    I can completely agree with that.

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