Foren / Cotonti / Support / Redirect to Mobile theme


#16 29. Juni 2011, 02:41

if anybody likes to make a skin out of this: or even better that: we also had a nice solution for mobile devices that would really makes sense.

if the skin is made i would like to pack that with my plugin and submit it here (so it need to be free! AND support all of the standart COT features).

URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
#17 29. Juni 2011, 17:49

CJ , This plugin is more different then urlkiller's though. You have to change the skin name to the one you want as your mobile skin in header.first.tpl. I did you a favor and put: MOBILE SKIN HERE so you could find it easily. Enjoy.


Urlkiller, let me get this straight, you want a mobile skin? I'm confused, sorry. I'm working on a mobile skin, I thought it was done but for some reason the css file is not displayed on some mobile browsers properly. I should be done in a week. You want it? 

#18 30. Juni 2011, 03:17

i would like to include a mobile skin in my plugin. so users can use plugin on the fly for any mobile device. (but i dont have the time to convert that into a skin)
as i see it it would be better to convert the jquery mobile solution to a cot skin. the jquery mobile skin works on any major mobile device.

if i include it you can just hit install and its done.. no settings skins...

URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
#19 3. Juli 2011, 18:38
Oh okay. As a notice, his plugin works with only two themes. The mobile and regular one. Mine works with multiple themes.
#20 4. Juli 2011, 03:28
i dont really see the use for multiple mobile skin variations if you use a kit that supports most of the mobile browsers. anyway if somebody wants to put some work in converting the jquery mobile thing to a skin i can include it to the pack.
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
#21 4. Juli 2011, 11:42

@url cuase we have set up 2-5 skins for GOM before so its easier if it can be changed

#22 4. Juli 2011, 14:44
That wasnt the point. i wanted to know WHY you need multiple skins for a MOBILE version the other standart skins can be used regulary... so you can use 1 mobile skin and unlimted normal skins...
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
