Math Captcha

Simple Mathematical Capcha

#1. Features

  • Replacement for standard php-captcha
  • Simple 2-digit integers in questions
  • Bruteforce, XSS and replay attack protection
  • Easy API to implement mcaptcha in other plugins

#2. Requirements

This plugin is recommended for use with CAPTCHA Manager.
Siena version of this plugin ships with the CMS by default.

#3. Installation

  1. Unpack the plugin into your plugins folder.
  2. Install in Administration => Plugins.
  3. Configure the plugin. Do not limit attempts if you use mcaptcha in such plugins like comments and shoutbox.
  4. Use same tags in users.register.tpl:

#4. API

Use this function to generate mcpatcha question:

	'SOMETHING_MCAPTCHA' => mcaptcha_generate(),
	'SOMETHING_VERIFY' => '<input type="text" name="rverify" size="4" />',

Then check mcaptcha on form processing:

$rverify = sed_import('rverify', 'P', 'INT');
	$error_string .= $L['captcha_verification_failed'].'<br />';

#5. Limitations

  • One mcaptcha per page. If it appears more than one times (like in header and main parts), the mcaptcha will reset itself and result into errors.

1. 3axap  7. Juli 2009, 20:12
Почему то не хочет работать. Пишет невреный код и все тут.
2. Rio  14. August 2009, 04:35
Код вставки:

<form action="{COMMENTS_FORM_SEND}" method="post" name="newcomment">

<div class="block" style="float:left">
<!-- IF {} < 1 -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<div style="width:99%;">{COMMENTS_FORM_TEXTBOXER}</div>
<!-- IF {} < 1 -->
{PHP.L.plu_robot} {COMMENTS_FORM_VERIFY_IMG}: {COMMENTS_FORM_VERIFY}<br /> <h5>"обязательно введите проверочны код!"</h5>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<p><input type="submit" class="submit" value="{PHP.skinlang.comments.Send}" /></p>

<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

Спасибо Dayver
3. Rio  14. August 2009, 04:36
PS Levf. в сам ngk надо внести подсказку или сноску -"Поля помеченные * должны быть заполнены"
4. elfrenazo  16. Juli 2010, 04:58
thanks, and implemented without any problem. Good health :)
5. MIHDev  24. November 2010, 07:47
Great plugin, thanks :)
6. booka  9. Dezember 2010, 06:56
7. Macik  29. November 2011, 16:33

Version converted for Siena for use with Captcha manager:


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