Cotonti allows for plugins to set certain configuration options for the administrator. These options are displayed in the Administration Panel under Configuration. This enables you to create flexible plugins with customisable values instead of hard-coded values.
The configuration options for your plugin are loaded from the plugin setup file (pluginname.setup.php) when it is installed through the Administration Panel. One consequence is that you will need to update the plugin when you add or change a configuration option in the setup file. If you decide to use configuration values in your plugin, you will have to include the following block of code in your pluginname.setup.php file, underneath the [END_COT_EXT] tag.
This code block should contain a list of configuration values, according to a specific syntax. Each configuration option should go on it’s own line. The syntax is like this:
A string, max lenght is 255 chars.
Will be displayed in the configuration panel as a single line of input.
The field Values is ignored for this type.
A selectbox, lines entered in the field Values will be the options.
A radio box, similar to select. Note: prior to 0.9.19 any defined Values not used (and internaly set to default `0,1`). Only since 0.9.19 its able to define custom list (as «Values») .
String with no maximum length. Also serves as the catch-all value, if you put anything else than 'string', 'select' or 'radio', it will be defaulted to 'text'.
The field Values is ignored for this type.
A selectbox with options generated by a callback function in the Values field. For example, if Values contains 'cot_get_parsers()' then the list of options is generated by that function as an array.
Same as string, but such an option cannot be edited from Administration panel and is rather managed by an extension directly.
Isn't really an option, but it puts a separator in Administration interface at the given Order position.
A selectbox with integer options within a given range. The Values field represents low and high values of the range separated by comma.
type is fully functional only since 0.9.19. It's used to extens core defined types. Type custom
used by developers to write own handler for input field, so they can define:
Name of handler function is set (as in callback
type) in Values
field. More info about using this type see in Подробнее об этом типе смотри в разделе «Сustom type in config variables».
[BEGIN_COT_EXT_CONFIG] myvar1=01:string::50:This is my first variable myvar2=02:select:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10:7:This is my second variable myvar3=03:radio::1:This is my third variable myvar4=04:text::Default text goes here:This is my fourth variable myvar5=05:callback:cot_get_parsers():none:This is one of the available parsers myvar6=06:hidden::123foo:This option is not visible for admins myvar7=07:separator:::Separator is displayed here myvar8=08:range:1,100:50:A selection from 100 numbers [END_COT_EXT_CONFIG]
Your plugin configuration values will be stored in the $cfg array and are accessible like this:
You could, for example, use it like this:
while($i < $cfg['plugin']['pluginname']['myvar1'])
Some modules (e.g. 'page' and 'forums') have their own category trees. By default each category has several standard options, but you can extend them using structure configuration. Structure configuration is configuration options which can be set for each category in particular. It is defined in extension setup-file just like the normal extension configuration but using COT_EXT_CONFIG_STRUCTURE block. Here is an example from the 'page' module:
[BEGIN_COT_EXT_CONFIG_STRUCTURE] order=01:callback:cot_page_config_order():title: way=02:select:asc,desc:asc: maxrowsperpage=03:string::30: truncatetext=04:string::0: allowemptytext=05:radio::0: keywords=06:string::: [END_COT_EXT_CONFIG_STRUCTURE]
As you see, the options in structure configuration are defined exactly the same way as normal configuration.
Default structure settings are displayed in Administration => Extensions => (Extension name) => Configuration. They will be used for all categories which don't have particular options set for them. Particular options can be set in Administration => Extensions => (Extension name) => Structure => (Category name) => Configuration (open module strcture and click the "Config" button for a selected category).
Please update this page to include the following information:
To add descriptive text to the config values include these lines in your plugins/lang/plugin.lang.XX.php file:
$L['cfg_myvar1'] = "My Variable #1";
$L['cfg_myvar1_hint'] = "Input your variable value here!";