Cotonti is een krachtig open-source web ontwikkelings framework en content manager, met de focus op veiligheid, snelheid en flexibiliteit.

Waarom Cotonti?

Cotonti combineert de flexibiliteit van een web framework met de snelle inzetbaarheid en mogelijkheden van een content management systeem. Naast de standaard mogelijkheden voor gebruikersaccounts, content creatie, file management en community tools, is Cotonti ook makkelijk uit te breiden met nieuwe modules en plugins. Cotonti wordt aangedreven door een eigen snelle template engine die zelfs voor de minder gevorderde programmeur makkelijk is te begrijpen.

Lees meer over Cotonti's voordelen...

Belangrijkste functies

  • Open source, community gedreven
  • Veilig en betrouwbaar
  • Snel en licht van gewicht
  • Modulair en uitbreidbaar
  • Layout los van logica
  • Snelle en makkelijk template engine
  • Geïnternationaliseerd


Siena 0.9.19-rc1 2016-03-23

Cotonti 0.9.19 Release candidate 1 is available for testing — download and test.

Huge list of fixes, inprovements and new features can be found in release notes.


6 Reacties | Auteur: Macik

Happy New Year 2016! 2016-01-02

Yes, we still alive! And still celebrate the New Year 2016!
Christmas and New Year holidays is time for some magic. And part of it already here…

We slightly reworked face toward better usability and user experience.
The work had done during last month touched view of Code snippets styling, Docs pages, Forum posts page, Tags search, User details page and some i18n improvement.

And as an iceberg hides huge part under the water — this little improvements imply a lot of internal work:

  • totally over 34 commit had done to project;
  • touches over 300 files as update or rework;
  • several internal plugins had been updated and bug fixed;
  • Syntaxhighlighter, AutoTOC, TOC plugins heavily reworked within this action;

It is another milestone and not the last stop. So do not relax and wait for more in this year.
By the way — the new release of Cotonti is near at hand.

Cotonti Team and Community wishes you all the best in the year of 2016. 

2 Reacties | Auteur: Macik

Cotonti Siena 0.9.18 released 2015-01-15

Happy new 2015, Cotonti people! Here is a new release for you, full of presents:

Learn more and upgrade as soon as you like!

We'd like to thank these Team members who worked hard to deliver these features and make this release happen: Macik, Alex300, Dayver, Dr2005alex!

Siena 0.9.17 released 2014-10-29

Today Cotonti Team has released an update for Cotonti Siena including the following changes:

See download page. All Cotonti users will benefit from updating.

Siena 0.9.16 released 2014-01-18

16-th update for Cotonti Siena has been released fixing over 14 bugs and delivering 8 or more small enhancements. For more information and a download link please visit the Release page.

0.9.15 released and latest news 2013-11-17

Today we have packaged Siena 0.9.15 which comes with the following changes:

Visit Download page for more information.

There have been discussions within Cotonti Team about our near future and eventually we decided that:

  • In one of the following releases Cotonti will ship with new admin and frontend themes, both based on Twitter Bootstrap 3. This site will receive a new look too. Work on all 3 themes is already in progress.
  • We are going to add some Wiki functionality to Documentation section on this site, so it will be easier to participate for everybody who wants to.
  • Multilingual support will be improved both in Cotonti and on this site.
  • Siena development will continue the path of small improvements. We don't plan any major or backwards incompatible changes in 0.9 and 1.x, so you can safely base your extensions and themes on it.

Our @Cotonti twitter is back to life with recent news and updates. You can also follow us on Google+.

Bonus: if you're using SublimeText 2 or 3 for your Cotonti development, try our Sublime Cotonti package (also available as Cotonti within Sublime Package Control). It contains common code snippets and auto-completion for the most of core functions.

Veilgiheidsupdate 0.9.14 2013-07-22

Hi-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab heeft onlangs een "SQL injection vulnerability" in de Cotonti's RSS module ontdekt. Deze versie bevat de oplossing voor dit probleem samen met een hoop andere veranderingen.

In Cotonti Siena 0.9.14 zijn er meer dan 44 problemen opgelost. Naast de oplossingen voor de bugs zijn er aanpassingen voor het administratie paneel n SEO. Zie release notes voor meer details.

Voor RSS module gebruikers is deze update een must, voor de andere is dit hoogst aangewezen.

Cotonti Siena 0.9.13 "Kingsley" 2013-03-16

Здравствуйте , дороге Співтовариство.

Настав час оновити ваші сайти на Cotonti до останньої і самої найкращої версії 0.9.13 , через кілька місяців після . Ось список того , що ми для вас приготували :

За більш детальною інформацією зверніться до  приміток до релізу.

Цей реліз присвячується  Leslie "Kingsley" Gonggryp, добре відомому учаснику спільнот LDU , Seditio , а потім і Cotonti , який нещодавно пішов з життя у віці 35 років. Ви можете приєднатися до наших співчуттів, якщо ви знали цього хлопця . Давайте продовжувати ту роботу , яку він би оцінив гідно .

Спочивай з миром ,  Kingsley. follow-up 2012-12-04

Een kritische bug is gevonden in 0.9.12, daarom hebben we het vervangen door welke nog enkel gebreken oplost, zie dit rapport.

Gebruikers die al upgegrade zijn naar 0.9.12, gelieve de nieuwe versie te downloaden en vervang de aangepaste bestanden.

Onze excuses hiervoort. Geleive ons te helpen om Cotonti te verbeteren door bug te melden op onze issues pagina.

0.9.12 and 0.6.25 2012-12-03

We have released 2 new packages to keep both your Siena and Genoa sites running smoothly.

Changes in Siena 0.9.12:

  • Page manipulation API for extension developers.
  • SEO: title and meta description for pages now editable out of the box.
  • Forums: markers for topics where a user has posted (#978), timeout for post editing (#1025).
  • Added support for parsing and translation of name and notes of extensions. See #991.
  • Added support for non-alphanumeric characters in passwords.
  • CKEditor 3.6.5, markItUp! 1.1.13 and updated Star Ratings plugin
  • Extended SQL devmode with backtrace.
  • Lots of small enhancements.
  • 38 bug fixes including some rather important ones.

Changes in Genoa 0.6.25:

  • Fixed changing passwords in profile.
  • Added experimental support for IPv6.