Forums / Cotonti / Skins / Theme help

#1 2009-09-18 03:44
Is there a way to use different user stars (that are usually in forum posts) for each theme?
I thought of writing something like {PHP.urs.theme} but realized that all stars are determined by php.

Please help
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#2 2009-09-20 17:06
Change the name of the theme config.php from other members of your themes in your writing will be there.

I could not fully understand the problem, please tell in detail.
#3 2009-09-22 17:14
i'm working under themes for my competition skin.
For some parts of the design i needed to put out links like search_{PHP.usr.theme},which would work like search_sed-light...but i cant do such a thing for forum posts stars information(which here is under the Group name) cause its put out by a {USERSTARS ..or something like that} tag,which i cannot edit without touching the core.

So the question is: is there a way to write the userstars tag which would put out stars images according to the current user theme?
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#4 2009-09-22 21:49
There is no such a possibility yet, that is why we are working on Resources in 0.7.0.
May the Source be with you!
#5 2009-09-23 01:04
i was looking through the code and found where are they created.
I have a question.
If i go to functions.php(line 1553), add a hook like "$extp = sed_getextplugins('stars.tags')" right in front of it,and in the plugin do something like this :

return '<img src="skins/'.$skin.'/img/system/stars'.(floor($level/10)+1).'(PHP.usr.theme).gif" alt="" />';

will it work,and are such things allowed in the skin contest?
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#6 2009-09-23 01:29
Core hacks like this are not allowed. You can provide universal stars image and implement themes for it after the contest in 0.7.
May the Source be with you!