Forums / Cotonti / Support / IE 8 Textboxer Problem

#1 2009-07-25 03:12
I notced there was a closed ticket in trac for Problems wiith IE 8. I saw the response saying "we found everything to be normal with IE 8". And that is why it is closed. I however have found a problem with IE 8:

Around 5% of the time, this happens with MarkItUp!:
#2 2009-07-25 03:40
*50 refreshes of a page with markitup later*
hmmm.havent noticed anything like this.
But maybe its cause i havent updated the markitup since Cotonti 0.0.5 and changed the skin of it.
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#3 2009-07-25 06:43
Got that same error too on
#4 2009-07-25 07:30
Something similar happens with FCK sometimes, it just won't load the editor (F5 usually fixes it).