Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Blog plugin

#1 2009-06-13 22:47
Could someone tell me is there some blog plugin for cotonti?
Before this i was using the WebBlog plugin for seditio.But it doesnt run on cotonti - wants textboxer.
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#2 2009-06-13 22:48
you could just upload the textboxer 2 plugin of seditio, without installing it. Then the plugin should work fine under cotonti. You wouldn't have the benifit of the menu's but the bb codes would still work.
#3 2009-06-13 23:10
i was thinking about this.But i hope i wont come to this option...
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity