Forums / Cotonti / Support / How do i edit the home page?

i dunno how in admin

#1 2009-03-08 18:04
ok so i got my website up but when i go there the news is always at the top how do i make it so one page stays at the top like on the homepage of this site where it sys WELCOME TO CONTONTI at the top how do i do that i tried making a new page and putting its path as 5 and 4 didn't work

so how do i do it?

#2 2009-03-08 18:42
Here locally I guess they added a part to the index.tpl
It is static.

They added a block like there is one already:
<div class="lboxHD">{PHP.skinlang.index.Newinforums}</div>
<div class="lboxBody">{PLUGIN_LATESTTOPICS}</div>
Change it to this:
<div class="lboxHD">Title you want</div>
<div class="lboxBody">Text you want, this is the body</div>

And add it above {INDEX_NEWS}.

<div id="lSide">
	<div class="lboxHD">Title you want</div>
	<div class="lboxBody">Text you want, this is the body</div>


	<div class="lboxHD">{PHP.skinlang.index.Newinforums}</div>
	<div class="lboxBody">{PLUGIN_LATESTTOPICS}</div>
... can we help you ...
#3 2009-03-09 05:49
Better is to put {PHP.cfg.freetext1} somewhere in your index.tpl and insert the text you want to be displayed in the Freetext #1 field at Admin > Config > Menu slots. This way you can easily edit the text from within the site instead of editing the template file (index.tpl).