Midsummer release - Cotonti Genoa 0.0.6

Welcome to the seaport of Genoa, your transit station before Renaissance! This intermediate branch will help you to migrate from legacy Genesis to magnificent Renaissance without storms and rolling. It includes many patches originally made for Renaissance but keeps the same structure and behavior in general.

Here are the important changes in this release:
  • Skinable Administration area with hooks and AJAXeffects.
  • PHP 5.3 compatibility.
  • XTemplate 2.0 with logic blocks and vast performance improvements.
  • Removed annoying redirections, messages and errors breaking the normal workflow.
  • Search plugin v3.10 and improved Tags search.
  • More pagination and custom settings for it.
  • Improved PM usability.
  • Validation queue improvements and user-editable contents.
  • Comments/ratings enable/disable for exact categories.
  • Improved user management and profile security.
  • Reorganized language files.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs, including security flaws.
  • A vast number of small improvements.

More than 80 tickets closed in this release overall, see Trac report for more details.

Download page
TplTags updated in Genoa 0.0.6

It's been quite a rash race, so we need to take some restful days in this Genoa harbor to ensure that our ship is capable of reaching Renaissance. We assume that Renaissance will be delayed for a month or two more, while we focus on community support, plugin development and documentation. So, Mr. Bond is approaching you soon, hold on!

1. Sergeich  2009-07-16 01:17
Будем тестить :)
2. tensh  2009-07-16 14:51
Great news! :-D
3. AerialAngel  2009-07-17 01:43
wow a lot of fixes. keeep up the great work guys :)
4. Альф  2009-07-17 18:23
Сайт убился, админки нет, на главной это Fatal error : SQL error : Unknown column 'page_' in 'order clause', каккая-то беда с Xtemlate - матерится, говорить не хватает чего-то. Патч сделал, все сделал, не работает!
5. Trustmaster  2009-07-17 20:52
Альф, а теперь со всеми ошибками в форум поддержки ;-)
6. Kilandor  2009-07-18 16:33
TPL tags have been updated
7. KillerSneak  2009-07-20 18:18
Why has there been choosen after so many Cotonti builds to add friggin over 50 new TPL tags? This is insane for a CMS update. This meens i actually have to digg trough all my custom skins again and update them. This is more than a simple update and can't even be called a update.

What was the tought behind this? and setting back COTONTI back in time again, as you can imagine (DEV TEAM) that you will get alot of questions/error's about template's not working and such now.

Another bad step from the DEV team imho. I for one don't have time to update the skins again, just for a CMS update.
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