Forums / Cotonti / Support / Input validation in Cotonti, and other

#1 2009-02-15 20:26

What bugs me most in Cotonti is validation breaking due to some module addresses, which are also present in html page output. For example, copy the address of this post and make it validate in w3c validator...

Will there be a port of advanced rewrite plugin or maybe a core implementation of nice urls to resolve this problem? This is the only thing that keeps me away from Cotonti.

Also, some of download links in Plugin Download section don't work. They must be hit twice for unknown reason.

Other thing: I like the fact that you're gradually separating content from presentation (for example, by a plugin category description or a template tag fetching pages by ID).

I also miss the functionality to display content for specific usergroups only. It can be made by making a template tag like {IF_USER_GROUP_ID_XX}. It would allow to display data to specific usergroups only, or even to change the look of a forum post or page comment if user is admin or moderator.

Do you consider it? It would be cool :)

Also, the plugin Mega Calendar would be a nice addition to Cotonti (the one displaying all new posts, pages, comments, etc. Once created by Almaz.)
#2 2009-02-15 21:10
# tensh :
Also, the plugin Mega Calendar would be a nice addition to Cotonti (the one displaying all new posts, pages, comments, etc. Once created by Almaz.)
See here but this version is old and not tested with Cotonti v.0.0.2 Within two - three weeks, I will do a new version of the plugin Mega Calendar (for Cotonti v.0.0.3)
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
This post was edited by Dayver (2009-02-15 21:34, 15 years ago)
#3 2009-02-15 21:52
Will there be a port of advanced rewrite plugin or maybe a core implementation of nice urls to resolve this problem? This is the only thing that keeps me away from Cotonti.
It is in Administration => Other => URLs
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-02-15 22:53
Thanks for reply :)
#5 2009-02-16 05:47
Here's what should be changed to get validated pages:
- Use & in URLs instead of just &. This will solve most of the validation errors.
- All system images should have alt tags.
- Javascript attributes in html tags should be lowercase instead of camelcase (onChange => onchange).
- Forum anchor ids should start with a letter instead of a number.
#6 2009-02-16 06:04
sed/url function is automatically converting the ampersands.

But the truth is, sometimes even if you were %100 true according to w3, browsers can't render code exactly and sometimes fully wrecked page according to w3 validator works perfect, so it is not a huge priority.
#7 2009-02-16 06:27
I also miss the functionality to display content for specific usergroups only. It can be made by making a template tag like {IF_USER_GROUP_ID_XX}. It would allow to display data to specific usergroups only, or even to change the look of a forum post or page comment if user is admin or moderator.

I don't know of anything like that ever being possible, even if it was thats really a horrible way of doing things.

If you need to show content to specific users a simple plugin is the best way to do so.

Also, some of download links in Plugin Download section don't work. They must be hit twice for unknown reason.

This is probably due to session not storing the page right, or opening multiple pages at once then going back to a previously opened page to download something.

This is because to prevent people leeching and directly linking to &a=dl it forces them to view the page first.
#8 2009-02-19 16:43
Yes, I agree that content showing by this way is not a nice idea, but the most interesting part for me is template look change depending on user group. For example, you being an admin would have a completely different forum post template, which would make your posts even more visible.

Will you consider it?
#9 2009-02-20 01:04
It is not any clear how it could be done technically correct and logically transparent.
May the Source be with you!
#10 2009-02-24 18:51
Well, I think it would be enough for me to ask you to make a template tag returning the name of user group as a string. Then placing a class in CSS style sheet named like a group would be a cake. :)

Also, is there any template language, which makes use of conditional requests? Like in Smarty... do you consider incorporating Smarty as your templating engine? It would also solve some cache issues I think...

The conditional requests {if}{/if} would make it possible to achieve more flexibility in templates.

The last question: Is it possible in Cotonti to have different template depending on category/category tree? I think there was something like this in Seditio, don't remember if it was a plugin or core funtionality.

BTW, I love your work, Cotonti is very appealing :)

PS. There are still some simple validation errors that can be corrected in forum post view, please validate this very page.
This post was edited by tensh (2009-02-24 19:43, 15 years ago)
#11 2009-02-25 08:19
Concerning your last question. This is certainly possible, in exactly the same way it worked in Seditio. If you create a template file named page.somecategory.tpl, it will be used instead of page.tpl for pages which reside inside a category named 'somecategory' (structure code). You can also use this for page.add.somecategory.tpl, list.somecategory.tpl and many others. The default page.system.tpl actually uses this technique.
In my opinion, this is the best feature of the template engine.
#12 2009-02-25 17:04
Thanks for reminding me that :)

Concerning the tags, what does this tag: {FORUMS_POSTS_ROW_MAINGRP} return? A number of group or the name of group? Anyways, this might be what I'm looking for. :)

Also, I noticed this site runs faster. Are you implementing caching functionality already? :)