Forums / Cotonti / Support / This download is available for registered users only?

#1 2009-02-05 03:11
hi, know this is going to be a dumb question but i cant get any of the plugin downloads from your site.

thanks for any help did look around b4 posting
#2 2009-02-05 03:17
Which plugin is that?
May the Source be with you!
test user
#3 2009-02-05 03:27
It is true. I can't either.

Use my account:
test user

// And it is not about a plugin. It is about downloads tagged "Members only".

// I can view the file with my developer account
#4 2009-02-05 05:14
yep i cant get any but the one i was looking for was FCKeditor.. i can see the zip icon but there isnt anything to click on.


update - noticed their is a link now for example

Download : Mini-chat (Shoutbox)

but it doesnt link to the download but

hope that helps.. not in a rush here btw ..and cool job all :)

...just a quick email to ask now you are getting on with the links not working :) as my site is doing the same :)

and if anyone knows if there is any other place to get the plugins from ?

was looking into

Mini-chat (Shoutbox)
User's Walls
T3 Modcp
Math Captcha 1.0.1
User's pages

thanks again
kind regards
This post was edited by trecky (2009-02-06 20:10, 15 years ago)
#5 2009-02-06 20:44
I see the problem, i'm working on a fix, it will be done soon.

This post was edited by Kilandor (2009-02-06 20:57, 15 years ago)
#6 2009-02-07 06:48
THX :) ... noticed it does it on my site .. is it an easy fix i could do or is it best to wait for the next virsion.

my site is ..its a small clan site that i havent finished skinning yet :)
#7 2009-02-07 12:29
It is a small change.

You can view it here
#8 2009-02-10 14:04
I still have this problem after the fix.
I click on a download and it just reloads the page I am on.

And if I set the download link to registered users only then there is no download link for registered users or even me the Admin
This post was edited by musashi9 (2009-02-10 14:35, 15 years ago)
#9 2009-02-10 14:56
Ah, there is a fix for that a couple versions back.

Here is the fix for that.
#10 2009-02-10 15:53
hmm failed to work for me, I am not too bothered about members only
I am worried about downloads not downloading files and just refreshing the page. this is vital for my site
#11 2009-02-10 16:37
Well, with both of those fixes it should work fine. It requires the page to be loaded once though, as it uses sessions, so download links can't be directly leeched.

Those are both the fixes being used on the site.

Maybe the changes was applied wrong. You can download a copy of the fixed file and upload it.

Also are you using a custom skin or default? There was changes to the TPL for downloads.
#12 2009-02-10 17:26
thanks kilandor that link fixed the problem a treat :)
#13 2009-02-10 21:10
I am using the default skin. I uploaded the new tpl and like you told me to. It did fix my problem of having no link at all but the link that I have now does not download a file, it just reloads the page.
This post was edited by musashi9 (2009-02-10 21:25, 15 years ago)
#14 2009-02-10 21:14
Open the page Refresh it with Ctrl+F5, Then try the download link.
#15 2009-02-11 08:31
I tried that and cleared my cache but nothing seems to work.

My problem is fixed.
Sessions was not set for me on my server but Trustmaster helped me and now the downloads work.
This post was edited by musashi9 (2009-02-15 08:32, 15 years ago)