Which CMS should I move to?

22.2% 2
55.6% 5
22.2% 2

9 Date 2011-12-17 20:45

Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Poll: Time to give up ?

#32255 2011-12-25 13:44

Oke, maar mijn opmerking blijft alsnog staan, hij vroeg en niemand reageerde (ook ik niet). Dan zou ik het ook zelf gedaan hebben.

Maybe a good idea to create a list of who's doing what? so that (if neccessary) people can contact the needed person directly? (smart thing is to do that for members only, not a public list..)

@ez Uhm, I don't do x-mass (I do not believe in a deity) so no x-mass spirit here. besides that, we are discussing things here, and a discussion is no where without a little headbutting and pointing fingers. It's how you get things done, get people on one line, and create more understanding towards one and another. Old guy like you should know that ;)