Which CMS should I move to?

22.2% 2
55.6% 5
22.2% 2

9 Date 2011-12-17 20:45

Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Poll: Time to give up ?

#32140 2011-12-18 09:33

Still.. Diablo has a small point that we (all devs and designers...) should look at... The design could be better.... Also the front end techniques are POOR!!!

The core however is good, fast, flexible... But maybe its time to spend more time on front end in stead of backend ?
So nice plugins and some nice design... (This is the only way to get new and enthousiastic members)

I am very much a Front end guy and will release Myfiles soon.
This will have far more better frontend techniques like AJAX (partial screen refreshes), JSON returns....

To let this community grow, we need to spend more time on the front end... (I can help there)

just my thoughts....


Want some nice design tip: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==