Social share

Widget to share pages in social services: FB, twitter, etc

Social share

Plugin for Cotonti CMF. It adds «Share it» widget to pages of cite.

Social share widget screenshot

#1. Description

Adds easy to use widget for social networks sharing to pages of your site. You can setup list of allowed services choosing from more than 20 social sites. Basicly all you need to enable it - is to install Extension. It will automatically adds widget to bottom of you pages and news. Also you can finetune placement of widget with manually adding {SOCIAL_SHARE} tag in tpl files.

#2. Features

  • Easy «one-click-install» (for basic use you don't need adding TPL tags)
  • Highly configurable (widget style and list of services)
  • I18n for widget based on users profile
  • No external dependencies (working without jQuery use)
  • Allowed to insert in any block of site with {PHP.social_share} tag

#3. Requirements

Developed for Cotonti Siena (0.9.x branch). Worked with/or without jQuery enabled.

#4. Demo page

Comming soon…

Social share widget screenshot 2Social share widget screenshot 3

#5. Version info

Current version 1.3 tested with:

  • Cotonti Siena. Versions on 0.9.5 - 0.9.11 (actual).
  • Skins: HTML Kickstart, Nemesis
  • Admin skins: standard, bootstrap, priori

#5.1. How extension works

Simply generates widget code based on your Extension settings (widget style and services list). Then auto insert widget code in bottom of pages or place specified with own tag in TPL files.

#6. Install

  • Unpack, copy files to root folder of your site.
  • Install via Admin → Extensions menu (Administration panel → Extensions)


After install you must see widget block on bottom of articles and news pages (accordingly you had page and news modules installed). You can choose used services, language and widget style in Extension config menu (Administration panel → Extensions → Social share → Configuration).

If you want to change location of widget switch off «autoinsertion» mode in Extension config menu and manually add tag {SOCIAL_SHARE} in one of the templates:

  • index.tpl
  • news.tpl
  • page.tpl
  • page.list.tpl
  • forum.posts.tpl

If you suppose to insert widget in other templates — use {PHP.social_share} tag. If you want to change default url, title or description of sharing page — use funciton style tag {PHP|social_share('url','title','tag')}.

#7. References

1. musashi9  2012-10-21 12:51

Great thanks!!

2. musashi9  2012-10-22 08:15

Does this show a count (how many times someone has linked)?

3. elfrenazo  2012-10-23 02:52

already installed, I like, thank you.
very good automatic insertion!

4. Fox  2012-10-23 17:35

Macik Спасибо!!!

5. Macik  2012-10-23 21:13

to  musashi9: No it does not have counter, because we can not track is user really share page or only clicks the share button.

6. Kingsley  2012-11-05 00:37


maybe an idea to add a counter for clicks? So a admin can roughly see how many times it's been shared? Just a small suggestion..

7. wAppp  2013-03-19 21:42

Конфликтует с Similar Pages - подставляет вместо исходной страницы ту, которую выдает Similar pages...

8. Aristei  2013-08-22 06:47

На Cotonti Siena 0.9.14 в настройках плагина стала появлятся ошибка:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\Server\home\\plugins\social_share\lang\ on line 73

9. Macik  2013-09-26 23:58

I had posted issues on github. So wish it could be fixed next week.

10. Hantr  2018-03-20 10:20

Исправление 73 ошибки так и не появилось?

11. Hantr  2018-03-20 10:33

Можно конечно поставить заглушку в 73 строке if(isset($socs_service_data) && is_array($socs_service_data)) foreach ($socs_service_data as $scode=>$sdata) {

проверить на сущестование...

12. Hantr  2018-03-20 10:34

тогда ошибки не будет но хз правильно это нет..

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