Happy New Year 2016!

Yes, we still alive! And still celebrate the New Year 2016!
Christmas and New Year holidays is time for some magic. And part of it already here…

We slightly reworked Cotonti.com face toward better usability and user experience.
The work had done during last month touched view of Code snippets styling, Docs pages, Forum posts page, Tags search, User details page and some i18n improvement.

And as an iceberg hides huge part under the water — this little improvements imply a lot of internal work:

  • totally over 34 commit had done to Cotonti.com project;
  • touches over 300 files as update or rework;
  • several internal plugins had been updated and bug fixed;
  • Syntaxhighlighter, AutoTOC, TOC plugins heavily reworked within this action;

It is another milestone and not the last stop. So do not relax and wait for more in this year.
By the way — the new release of Cotonti is near at hand.

Cotonti Team and Community wishes you all the best in the year of 2016. 

1. Leshkens  3. Januar 2016, 14:46

Всех с новым годом, котаны! :)

2. Lover  26. Februar 2016, 00:13

we arw waiting for new version :)

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