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Cotonti / Open Source PHP Content Management Framework
Content Management Framework
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Cotonti Siena 0.9.25 released
This is a stability release that fixes bugs found after the release of 0.9.24. It is also a preparation before the 1.0 release.
Cotonti Siena released
A new Cotonti Siena release from the Cotonti Team
Cotonti Siena 0.9.23 released
We glad to announce new Cotonti version 0.9.23
Cotonti Siena 0.9.22 released
We glad to announce new Cotonti version 0.9.22
Cotonti Siena 0.9.21 released
We glad to announce new Cotonti version 0.9.21
Cotonti Siena 0.9.20 released
We glad to announce new Cotonti version 0.9.20 with PHP 8.0 support
Transifeks'te dil dosyaları
Transifeks dosyaları 0.9.19'a güncellendi
Code reference is updated to 0.9.19
Code reference is up to date now
Cotonti Siena 0.9.19 released
We did it!
Siena 0.9.19-rc1
Cotonti Siena 0.9.19 1. Aday Sürümü
Cotonti Siena 0.9.18 released
A new release from the Cotonti Team
Siena 0.9.17 released
A long-awaited stability improvement
Cotonti Siena 0.9.16
Cotonti Siena stabil ve kararlı sürüm
0.9.15 released and latest news
15th update for Siena has been issued and there are some news related to project
Security update 0.9.14
Cotonti güvenlik ve kararlılık güncelleştirmesi tüm cotonti kullanıcılarına tavsiye edilir.
Cotonti Siena 0.9.13 "Kingsley"
An update of the system which we dedicate to our recently passed away friend devamı
0.9.12 için acil yama
0.9.12 ve 0.6.25
Yeni güncellemeler mevcut
Siena 0.9.11 ve Genoa 0.6.24 için Önemli Güvenlik güncellemesi
Teknoloji kaynaklarındaki haberlerle ilgili büyük çapta güvenlik güncellemesi
Siena 0.9.10 yayınlandı
1.0 sürümünden önce bir Beta sürümü
Siena 0.9.8 is available
Just a few steps before 1.0 release Cotonti Team has published another release
3 years on air!
Cotonti Project is 3 years in public and there is a new release to celebrate it
Genoa 0.6.21 is available
A new update in Genoa branch
Siena 0.9.6 released
An update in Siena branch and some news from Cotonti Team
Siena 0.9.5 and Genoa 0.6.20 are available
Minor releases in both branches
Siena 0.9.4 released!
A key release with new features in 0.9.x branch
Siena 0.9.3 and an important note for developers
Cotonti updates in Summer
Cotonti Updates in May
A new server, 2 releases and community news
Cotonti Siena 0.9.0 is finally available!
A period of titanic work is over, getting ready to the following
New site layout and 0.6.14 update
Cotonti headquarters have been upgraded to Siena branch and redesigned
Happy 2011 and Siena beta release
Hot December is on and Genoa 0.6.12
News on Siena progress, short-term plans and a regular update
Genoa Update 0.6.11 and Roadmap Changes
Changes in Cotonti project for November 1st 2010
Genoa 0.6.10 Released
A regular update
Security update for Genoa
0.6.9 comes with security improvements
Genoa 0.6.8 and Siena news
Recent news for May 2010
Cotonti Genoa 0.6.7 is available
This release contains bug fixes only
One Year in Public & Genoa 0.6.6
Many miles passed, many miles to go
Update 0.6.5 for Cotonti Genoa
An important security update
Cotonti Update 0.6.4
Genoa branch release