Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / Default styles in CKEditor

#1 2014-04-17 12:33

According to this page: the editor by default uses an iframe. By changing this to a div container the styles used are inherited from the page.

Does anyone know how to apply this change?

More generally, is it possible to further customise our ckeditors to include plugins/addons such as the equation editor?

I've figured out my second question. Simply:

  1. Add the plugin to the plugins/ckeditor/lib/plugins folder.
  2. Modify the line: "config.extraPlugins = 'eqneditor,more,oembed,syntaxhighlight';" in plugins/ckeditor/lib/config.js.
  3. Add the button 'EqnEditor' somewhere in the full toolbar.
Bu gönderi Hodges tarafından düzenlendi (2014-04-17 13:23, 10 yıllar önce)
#2 2014-04-17 15:50
#3 2014-04-22 12:21
#39454 Hodges:

According to this page: the editor by default uses an iframe. By changing this to a div container the styles used are inherited from the page.

Does anyone know how to apply this change?

If the main aim is to use page common styles — you can done it with iframe right from the box (since 0.9.15).

Here are the manual:

1. add to the and of your theme RC file (`theme.rc.php`):

global $ckeditor_css_to_load;
$ckeditor_css_to_load = array(

edit `css/bootstrap.*` path to point to resources needed for loading in iframe.

It's more secure as you can use special styles for you CKeditor.
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