Forumlar / Cotonti / General / Cotonti plugin for SublimeText2

A collection of snippets and helpful tools for Cotonti coding in SublimeText2

#1 2012-10-28 08:04

I'm glad to announce you the sublime-cotonti package for SublimeText2 which can now be installed using Package Control. Just hit Ctrl+Shift+P, type "Pack in" hit Enter, type "Cotonti", hit Enter and the package will be installed.

The package contains a collection of 30+ snippets me and other Cotonti developers use in their daily tasks. These snippets serve 2 purposes: save time typing and remind you of the syntax and parameters. There's even a snippet that inserts a setup-file template. Open a file, start typing "cot" and the popup with available Cotonti snippets will appear. Or type the snippet name and hit Tab (some snippets are not listed in the automatic popup). See this tutorial to learn how to use and create your own snippets.

It also contains an experimatal hotkey that attempts to open Cotonti reference for a selected Cotonti function.

See Readme for more information. BTW, there's a nice screencast course for SublimeText2 available for free by Tuts+ Premium.

May the Source be with you!
Bu gönderi Macik tarafından düzenlendi (2016-01-03 16:27, 9 yıllar önce)
#2 2012-10-28 18:36

Awesome, been using Sublime Text 2 for a little while now and it rocks!

Added 2 months later:

Wow, the CTRL-ALT-C command to look up a function is brilliant!

Added 10 months later:

Because I found Trustmaster's package so handy in every day use of Sublime Text for Cotonti, I decided to create a package for Sublime Text filled with snippets for most of Cotonti's functions.

This package allows you to easily auto-complete a function and its parameters simply by typing the function name and hitting the tab key.

It should soon be available in Package Control, but for now you can grab it manually here:

I'll improve the snippets over time, and any help is always appreciated!


Bu gönderi Macik tarafından düzenlendi (2016-01-03 16:28, 9 yıllar önce)
#3 2013-10-28 03:03

looks interesting. Is it only for programmers?
Can it be used without know programming?

#4 2013-10-28 15:25

It's basically just a library with snippets to autocomplete a function when you type it in Sublime Text.

Anyone can use it, regardless of your programming experience.

Added 1 weeks later:

We merged the 2 packages together and you can easily grab it via Package Control.

Source is here:

Bu gönderi Twiebie tarafından düzenlendi (2013-11-04 23:24, 11 yıllar önce)