Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / Tag problems on upgraded site.

#1 2011-10-02 15:57

I have a site for a couple of years.
LDU -> Seditio -> Cotonti Genoa -> Cotonti Siena -> 0.9.5

At the index it is showing the tags of the page.
See below


If I open the page, it tells me No tags. I have it in my custom theme. But as you can see also in Nemesis.



This is not an issue of 0.9.5 because 0.9.4 had the same problem, but I hoped 0.9.5 would solve the problem.

For all pages directly under the category news, there is no problem. Only for the pages in a subcat of News.


Has anyone an idea how the solve it? 

Added 4 days later:

No one?

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Bu konu pieter tarafından düzenlendi(2011-10-09 20:53, 12 yıllar önce)
#2 2011-10-10 06:28

Sorry, I've been busy to check this. Could you add a ticket on Github so I don't forget about this topic for sure?

May the Source be with you!
#3 2011-10-24 12:34

I have done pretty much the same upgrade/migration order as Pieter, and i'm experiencing the same problem with the tags.

I'm not using the tags on pages, but on my website the tags cloud under the forums says 'No Tags' even though there are loads of tags.

#4 2011-10-24 14:44

Ticket is alreadu in gith:

... can we help you ...