Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / whos online plugin

#1 2011-07-19 14:49

there there a way to make this go by rank instead of by name ???

#2 2011-07-19 18:00

in whosonline.php change (line 29) ORDER BY user_name to user_maingrp, save, upload and done..

#3 2011-07-19 21:51

ok that fixed the page but not the part on the index

#4 2011-07-22 15:09

one line under that..

But basically you want your name to always be the first on the list. For what purpose? the index who's online orders it on last seen online. I suggest you leave is at that, which will be more usefull for your users.

You have to keep in mind that your site must be as accesible as possible for your users, not fine tuned for your comfort, coz users will stay away if that's the case.

#5 2011-07-23 02:07

No its so that users can see who are mods admins ect. cause there colored but unless u kno which group color means what its hard to ask the right person

and i dont think 300+ members signing up every week means im doing something wrong

and mine isnt by last seen its by name.. for some reason

Added 45 minutes later:

btw since i like having peoples imput check the site tell me waht u think

Bu konu CJ tarafından düzenlendi(2011-07-23 03:04, 12 yıllar önce)