Forumlar / Cotonti / Extensions / [Release] Open Comments


Allow guests to comment on your pages

#1 2010-09-12 21:38
This is an alternative to the com4guests plugin by esclkm. Because these two plugins are so alike, you should know about the differences and options of the two.

Open Comments allows your guests to post comments on your pages, just like registered users. The only difference is that guest have to provide an email address, and optionally a website address. This is similar to Wordpress. For security, the plugin can use reCAPTCHA. It also has the option to send an email to the administrator when a new guest comment is posted.

How's this different from com4guests?
- Open Comments only supports reCAPTCHA, while com4guests uses the captcha manager plugin so you can pick whichever captcha type you like. However, that does require some additional installation steps and configuration.
- Open Comments stores guest information (email/website) in the comments table. In order to do that it adds two columns to that table. com4guests doesn't store this information at all (just a name, no email or website).

- Upload the plugin files
- Go to admin panel and install Open Comments
- If you want to use CAPTCHA, to to reCAPTCHA and register a site. Then go to the Open Comments configuration area and copy your reCAPTCHA keys there.
- Look at the plugin page in the adminpanel for the tags you need to add to comments.tpl

Download here

Example implementation:
<form action="{COMMENTS_FORM_SEND}" method="post" name="newcomment">
<h5>Leave a reply:</h5>
<!-- BEGIN: GUEST -->
<p>Your name:<br/>{COMMENTS_FORM_NAME}</p>
<p>Email address:<br/>{COMMENTS_FORM_EMAIL}</p>
<!-- END: GUEST -->
<p>Comment:<br/><textarea name="rtext" rows="5" cols="100">{PHP.rtext}</textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="{PHP.L.Submit}" /></p>

Bu konu Koradhil tarafından düzenlendi(2010-10-27 17:52, 13 yıllar önce)
#2 2010-09-13 03:58
adding columns for email and website is definitely not the best solution. hardcoding recaptcha offers no flexibility (there is a better way to integrate a captcha). comment notifications exist in comedit.
knowing and recording guest's email and website, in my opinion, does not outweigh the aforementioned. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#3 2010-09-13 16:07
My primary goal was to make it look like the Wordpress comments system, and thats what it does.
Adding extra columns to the DB really doesn't matter and was actually the only solution without having to rewrite SQL queries in the core (SELECT * will select the extra columns).

Sure there are other captcha systems, possibly better ones. Using reCAPTCHA was just the easiest and quickest solution. It's also more user friendly since it's used on many sites so people have seen it before. If you want something else you can just disable the reCAPTCHA and install something else. Didn't look at comedit (never really noticed it was in Cotonti by default).

Oh and please, next time someone tries to contribute something, be grateful instead of harassing him. I'm not just doing this because I have nothing else to do, people like to get credits for their work.
#4 2010-09-13 16:15
Thnx for the plugin.. I am thinking of using it on my new site :)

1 small remark, I saw that this plugin is not listed on the downloads?
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#5 2010-09-13 16:43
#6 2010-09-13 17:43
I missed that.. I did search for it???
thnx for the link pieter
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#7 2010-09-13 17:44
No offence, I was just curious about the things we stuck in ourselves with com4guests. We were choosing between own table and no table and discarded adding extra cols at the early stage so as not to mess with the standard tables.
As much as I like recaptcha, I would let my clients choose which one to use. That is what captcha manager is for (more details here: : the examples are pretty much self-explanatory).
comedit is comedit.
Leaving an email for a comment by a guest is basically about sending feedback (notifications to the guest about new comments / replies to his/her comment) rather than just recording them. Posting (autoposting) a backlink to the guest commenter website is a SEO/spam issue, so it brings in more troubles than benefits.
This is just a small explanation as of why com4guests couldn't have possibly worked for you. Unless you failed to run it, and then I would once again be glad to hear what the problem was. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#8 2010-09-13 17:57
Well, the only problem I had with com4guests was the captcha which wasn't showing, so it's a captcha manager issue.

As for SEO/spam, there is a rel="nofollow" in there. I'm thinking of adding a notification feature for guests (they get an email when there's a new comment).
#9 2010-09-13 18:05
Did you install any captcha? It is not in the package because com4guests can be used with any captcha via captcha manager (if 1+ captcha installed) or without it (if you have only one captcha running) - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#10 2010-09-13 18:06
I guess I didn't read the docs for the captcha manager properly, because I didn't install anything seperately (except for the captcha manager plugin).
#11 2010-09-13 21:15
BTW, com4guests works without CAPTCHA Manager plugin. You just need to install any captcha plugin that is compatible with it (reCaptcha, SimpleCaptcha, MathCapatcha or Qaptcha).
May the Source be with you!
#12 2010-09-17 11:37
esta muy bien el plugin, lo acabo de implementar ;)

Hola, perdona tengo una pregunta.
¿ Hay que hacer algo en especial para usarlo con el plugin MathCapatcha ?
Yo lo tengo instalado, y lo uso en el registro de mi web, pero no se como implementarlo para poder usarlo.

¿ Me podrian ayudar ? Gracias

Bu konu elfrenazo tarafından düzenlendi(2010-09-17 12:18, 13 yıllar önce)
#13 2010-10-27 16:40
Your best bet is with the com4guests plugin. Open Comments only supports reCAPTCHA right now.
#14 2010-11-02 21:44
ok thanks for answering
#15 2012-09-27 20:30

Forgive me but I placed the example code in my page.tpl and installed the plugin but it only shows the input field and submit button...
