Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / [Help] Rating stars

#1 2010-08-07 19:59
how do they work, and how do I replace it with other image(s)?

If I replace the 3 star image in skin/img/system with mine it gets all F***** up, and doesn't show half star votes. :(
#2 2010-08-07 20:11
are yours exactly the same size?

Added 13 minutes later:

For me it seems to work:

The file must be exact same size:
The 3 icons should be exact in the middle (horizontal)
Verticale exact 1/3 of the height.
... can we help you ...

Bu konu pieter tarafından düzenlendi(2010-08-07 20:28, 13 yıllar önce)
#3 2010-08-07 20:52
I want the ratings stars using a similar kind of image as the maingroupstars
(I use this image for it: )
#4 2010-08-07 21:11
Try this one:

Added 21 seconds later:

And modify like you want
... can we help you ...
#5 2010-08-08 00:02
thx man :D