Forumlar / Cotonti / Skins / Template == Cotonti


5uper Mario
#1 2009-08-08 19:26

There's probably a guide somewhere but:

I made a template, pure html and css
now, I pretty much have a rough idea on how to convert templates to Seditio...
But that's Seditio

I remember reading somewhere someone converted a skin from Seditio to Cotonti
So, there's probably a difference.

The Template I made is freakin sweet I think it would look even better on a CMS like Seditio or Cotonti

So, is there a guide or post somewhere guiding the conversion?
Many thanks in advance.
#2 2009-08-08 19:34
You can follow the video for Seditio, but use the sed-light skin as guideline.
The video for seditio-conversion uses ice.

With google you will find the video.
... can we help you ...
5uper Mario
#3 2009-08-08 20:09
Alright I found the video I was looking for.

Guess I'll try it. maybe even release it :p

OK I guess this can be locked now.
#4 2009-08-09 18:33
If you're fast enough, you could participate in the skin competition.