Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / I cannot find the <more> / Read More link


Is it gone or am I just missing something?

#1 2009-05-13 13:58
Seditio err at least LDU had a <more> or tag that one could put into pages to divide the pages up and add a link such as "read more".

I seem to remember getting the news pages to do that as well via a core hack.

Is the option gone, changed or what?
- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
#2 2009-05-13 15:04
In Cotonti it's the spoiler tag.

 [spoiler=read more] ... [/spoiler] 

the read more in the spoiler tag can be changed to whatever you want..
#3 2009-05-13 15:08
In news: you need to add [ more ] to split it at that place and you will get a read more.
It is not a corehack.

edit: thx NovoKain I typed it but was not aware that it was not showing, so I have put spaces now.
... can we help you ...
Bu gönderi pieter tarafından düzenlendi (2009-05-13 15:31, 15 yıllar önce)
#4 2009-05-13 15:10
#5 2009-05-13 15:12
Thats not exactly what I was looking for.

Lets say I have a page thats really long and I wanted to break it up into several pages - shouldn't that show up with paging like in lists?

Is that functionality gone or?

Also I was looking for the same in news except with a read more link. :-/

[edit] Nevermind, I didn't see your post NovoKain. [/edit]

Thanks guys.
- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
#6 2009-05-14 01:18
Your referring to the [newpage][title][/title] Tags then.
#7 2009-05-15 14:42
Thanks for that Kilandor. I vaguely remember that - It should be included in documentation someplace.

ie: Working with pages
- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
#8 2010-12-30 18:16
I would like to show a full news article after clicking on its name on News section of first page. Do I need to put in some tag, separating short and bigger part?
That is not a spolier [read more].
#9 2011-05-13 18:56

The [more ] link shortens what is displayed on the news (index page) and once clicked, it goes to the news page which will display the entire article. You place the more tag at the end of the portion of the article you want to have displayed on the homepage/news section and it will display the read more link. This is how you seperate the short and bigger part.


the more tag

rest of article

I know this is a bit late, but for future reference its here lol.

- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
#10 2014-04-17 12:39

On the current editor, CKEditor, there exists a button labelled: Insert "Read more" page cut

Clicking it inserts the code: 

<hr class="more" />

Now, as I don't have any specific css pointing to the "more" class a simple horizontal bar is rendered. My question is, what was the intended output? I'm assuming it hides the content beyond the hr element (hence me reviving this thread). Secondly, does anyone have the correct code to enable this behaviour?


#11 2014-04-21 20:05

I'd just add

hr.more {display:none;}

to the styles - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#12 2014-04-22 11:43
#39457 Kort:

I'd just add

hr.more {display:none;}

to the styles


#39455 Hodges:

On the current editor, CKEditor, there exists a button labelled: Insert "Read more" page cut

Clicking it inserts the code: 

<hr class="more" />

Now, as I don't have any specific css pointing to the "more" class a simple horizontal bar is rendered. My question is, what was the intended output? I'm assuming it hides the content beyond the hr element (hence me reviving this thread). Secondly, does anyone have the correct code to enable this behaviour?

As for second question —this feature intend to use with `page` module. It's aim to point possition in text where it'll be cuted with `cot_cut_more` funciton. Therefor you must use `{PAGE_ROW_TEXT_CUT}` tag to use cut text functionallity. 



правильный хостинг —
Bu gönderi Macik tarafından düzenlendi (2014-04-23 21:24, 10 yıllar önce)
#13 2014-04-22 16:51
#39458 Macik:
#39457 Kort:

I'd just add

hr.more {display:none;}

to the styles

This is not good for several reasons:

  1. Pages with a news feed or other pages feed cutted with this hack can be oversized and long time to load.
  2. Unneccessary text can be indexed on page.
  3. Search engines not loved huge volume of hidden text on pages.


#39455 Hodges:

On the current editor, CKEditor, there exists a button labelled: Insert "Read more" page cut

Clicking it inserts the code: 

<hr class="more" />

Now, as I don't have any specific css pointing to the "more" class a simple horizontal bar is rendered. My question is, what was the intended output? I'm assuming it hides the content beyond the hr element (hence me reviving this thread). Secondly, does anyone have the correct code to enable this behaviour?

This feature intend to use with `page` module. It's aim to point possition in text where it'll be cuted with `cot_cut_more` funciton. Therefor you must use `{PAGE_ROW_TEXT_CUT}` that contains «cut» version of page.  If you look at news plugin templates you can find these tags.





Macik: I don't think you understand what you're saying. When hr.more is inserted in the text, it works as a <!--more--> tag. All you have to do is just hide it (unless you want to see it). The page is not cluttered -- try it. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#14 2014-04-22 21:05

Ok. I'm not right  for hr.more {display:none;} But the original question is:

My question is, what was the intended output? I'm assuming it hides the content beyond the hr element (hence me reviving this thread). Secondly, does anyone have the correct code to enable this behaviour?

So other point is right:

  1. This mechanics supposed to be used for truncation (cuting) page text to allow show only main part of pages in page lists (native page list or other like news feed). See tags {PAGE_ROW_TEXT_CUT}
  2. Yes, it's works as «<!--more-->» tag. You can see `cot_cut_more()` function code (page.functions.php line 32-57).
  3. It's only working if page tags are genereated through `cot_generate_pagetags()` function with 3rd parameter > 0 (page.functions.php lines 141-147, 180). So it's not working while displaying full page view as it generated with 0 as third parameter (no cutting supposed).
  4. But it's intend to use {PAGE_ROW_TEXT_CUT} tag where possible (page lists or news feeds).


Добавлено 1 минуты спустя:

Fixed my last 2 posts due to some misunderstanding.
правильный хостинг —
Bu gönderi Macik tarafından düzenlendi (2014-04-23 21:31, 10 yıllar önce)
#15 2014-04-24 11:13

Having tried it, adding hr.more {display:none;} to my style sheet just hides the hr tag (go figure!).

Can someone just simply explain to me, how do I implement a read more... or spoiler feature in cotonti pages (preferably using the ckeditor)?
