Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / Unable to convert sql to UTF8

#1 2009-04-03 07:33
I'm trying to convert sql database to UTF8 but with no success!

I'm doing it by following Lombi's great video lessons but somehow I can't fix those problematic characters. My database has been used for recording this video lesson :

but even though i follow it step by step I can't get characters right.

I'm using Notepad++ 5.3.1. I have splited 130mb sql file into several files making sure that they don't exceed the limit of 30MB.

When I choose Encode to UFT8 without BOM i get C4? instead of SOME characters (č) and the rest is the same - no ž,š...

I even tried encoding to UTF8 but no luck!

What's the problem?

#2 2009-04-03 17:07
I dont understand. I encoded your database myself (even used yours in the video tutorial) and uploaded it to your ftp account. Did you import it via bigdump with an incorrect character set?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2009-04-04 05:51
I uploaded the database you converted with bigdump and characters aren't showing properly.. there are also some missing tables which i had to create manually in phpmyadmin.. and also an error on the index which i don't get..

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/***/public_html/system/database.mysql.php on line 209

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/**/public_html/system/database.mysql.php on line 97

Bu konu musiconly tarafından düzenlendi(2009-04-04 16:09, 15 yıllar önce)
#4 2009-04-04 16:24
Lol i tried replying to your first set of problems but you edited them out already.

I would suggest removing all your custom index plugins and then readding them to see where the issue lies. I'm pretty sure it's in one of them (that used a setting in config.php or something in that nature)


as for the import bit, please doublecheck that you have set utf8 inside of bigdump (it defaults to latin1)
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>