Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / Core hacks

#1 2009-03-26 19:30
In my seditio install I had some core hacks (at least, i think they were)

Can I apply these in cotonti to?

Here's a list of hacks I had:

- Gametrailer:

- modbreak

- note hack

Require registration for download

- youtube hack

I know some of these are probably a standard in cotonti. like the youtube thingy and the download thingy, But i really need the gametrailer thing for my webby..[/][/]
#2 2009-03-26 19:54
Youtube should work out of the box or at least can be inserted really easily into the bbcode plugin.

registration for download is in core.

note can be added as bbcode. same for first two.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2009-03-26 22:38
They work indeed.

Already had a topic about the gametrailers stuff:
What you rather want to have is the bbflow plugin, no corehacks and more additions:

It's also possible to add your stuff to the plug and have a install that way, then you won't need to do your corehacks after every cotonti update.
[center][url=<a href="">]True</a> &amp; Honest Gamers[/url][/center]
#4 2009-03-27 06:12
Thx Harry, works like a charm...


Bu konu Kingsley tarafından düzenlendi(2009-03-27 06:12, 15 yıllar önce)