Forumlar / Cotonti / Bugs / Archive / Putting a epostrophy in the forum title (Pop'in)

#1 2009-03-18 11:27
Part 1
We have recently had an issue where putting an apostrophe in the forum title is causing a MySql error upon submit.

I Edited this post after I tested this here.
It don't do it here but on my site it does, anyone have any ideas?

Part 2
After all my uses of Seditio and now Cotonti I never had a reason to change a forum title name but now I do but I cannot for the life of me figure out where to do it in the software? Obviously I know your going to say Phpmyadmin but we should have an edit somewhere right?
#2 2009-03-18 12:54
Edit the first post in a thread, and you can edit the title/tags etc
#3 2009-03-18 23:36
I don't see where you can edit the title, I can edit the post and the tags but there is nowhere to edit the title.

Maybe I'm missing a edit title tag??
#4 2009-03-18 23:46
# Kilandor : Edit the first post in a thread, and you can edit the title/tags etc

<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 2009-03-19 01:04
Thanks for the smile Lombi :-))

This is strange I went to one of my Seditio installs and I do see where you can edit the title but on my Cotonti install the edit text feild above the textboxer does not show up, I do have the ability to edit tags.

I looked in both the Sed install and the Cotonti install and see {FORUMS_EDITPOST_TEXTBOXER}
Is there a setting somewhere or do I need to configure the textboxer to display this?

Ok I got it figured out. And I will need to let Pieter know about this as well.
I was using the Axis4 skin and the following tags were left out.

Find Line 31 of forums.editpost.tpl
		<div style="width:96%;">{FORUMS_EDITPOST_TEXTBOXER}</div>

And change to
		<div style="width:96%;">
		  <p><span style="width:100%;">{PHP.L.Topic}: {FORUMS_EDITPOST_TOPICTITTLE}<br/>

Bu konu CorpQuid tarafından düzenlendi(2009-03-19 01:26, 15 yıllar önce)