Forumlar / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / CSS-classes for buttons and fields

#1 2009-02-13 17:09
I suggest to all fields and buttons in CMS assign css-classes.
This will give the unity of style. Simplify coder.

All buttons - class .button
Textarea - class .textarea
Select - class .select
Big input - class .biginput
Short input - class .shortinput
Radio input - class .radio
Checkbox input - class .checkbox
#2 2009-02-13 20:11
I agree.

But it is not "quick task". Complex solution will change many of system files and need wide testing.

Bu konu medar tarafından düzenlendi(2009-02-13 20:58, 15 yıllar önce)
#3 2009-04-03 22:53
Can't it be achieved by just using CSS selectors?
input[type="button"] { }
textarea { }
select { }
input[type="radio"] { }
input[type="checkbox"] { }
I agree it's useful to detect elements, but it's a bad practice to overblow the markup.
May the Source be with you!