Forumlar / Cotonti / Skins / Release: 'Flowers' skin

A weblog skin

#1 2009-02-05 23:22
This is a skin I made for my own weblog a while ago. It was originally built for Seditio 125 (my log still runs it) and mainly focussed on weblogs.

Preview? See my weblog (it's a modified version).

Download: here
#2 2009-02-05 23:41
Looks like a WordPress theme :-)

Could you add it to downloads/skins?
May the Source be with you!
#3 2009-02-06 02:21
Well it's not a Wordpress theme, I did this one all by myself :)

I hadn't added it to the downloads yet because I had some minor things to fix first.
#4 2009-02-06 02:31
I like it :) It's clean, simple and easy to read.