Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / Textboxer?

#1 2009-02-02 03:41
Okay well i downloaded the fceditor, how do i make it work like it does on this website.
I downloaded it its width is way to long it runs outside the website. Idk if anyone else had any issues. right now im using the old textboxer plugin until i can figure the newone out or get some help thanks.
oh and Do old BB codes work like thumbnails t=
#2 2009-02-02 03:48
MarkItUP! is the default editor with Cotonti and the one you see here. It comes default.

There is a built in BBCode editor at, admin.php?m=bbcode

Also there is a default plugin called "Seditio Compatibility, (not installed) admin.php?m=plug&a=details&pl=seditio that can be installed that adds support for some old bbcode's.

So all the old BBCode's should be covered, but if you have a problem you could ask someone for help with it.
#3 2009-02-05 01:18
MArkItUP has problems:

1. Strange characters in preview mode with charset other than utf8 (look at my post here)

2. No automatic refresh in preview (also if set up in plugin config)
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#4 2009-02-05 01:35
# donP : MArkItUP has problems:

1. Strange characters in preview mode with charset other than utf8 (look at my post here)
Your database not in utf-8
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
#5 2009-02-05 03:56
Yes. It's in UTF-8 and has utf-8 collation, but datas was always inserted with an iso-8859-1 server, so... I would convert all datas, with many many problems...
And I think it's not a good introduction to Cotonti and it's default texteditor to force all webmaster to this step (in particular those that don't need multilingual functionalities for their websites). And someone can explain me why fckeditor doesn't have this preview problem? So, it's not a charset problem only...

And nobody answer me why automatic refresh in preview doesn't go well... it's a bad integration of markitup in Cotonti?
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust