Forumlar / Cotonti / General / Which editor do you use for coding?


#1 2012-09-19 02:07

Just a simple question:
Which editor do you prefer to use for coding?

NetBeans, Eclipse, Notepad++, TextMate, Sublime Text, Dreamweaver, something else?

#2 2012-09-19 05:56

Why not add a poll to the topic?

... can we help you ...
#3 2012-09-19 07:30

I've been using Netbeans for several years now (on Windows, OSX and Ubuntu). It has good PHP support (with autocompletion and code hinting), it's in active development and it has good integration with FTP, version control (Git/Subversion/Mercurial) and XDebug. Eclipse is similar to Netbeans except that it's a lot bigger and it's interface is more complex. As a professional software engineer I use Netbeans as well, so do many of my collegues. Basically Netbeans is considered the default IDE for PHP projects, while Eclipse or IntelliJ are used for Java projects.

Notepad++, TextMate and Sublime Text are not Integrated Development Environments like Netbeans, Eclipse and Dreamweaver, but they are lightweight and fast. They usually offer nothing more than code coloring (no autocomplete/hinting).

If you're looking for a full-featured IDE, I suggest you try Netbeans and Eclipse, and see which has your personal preference. Since these two are so alike, it simply comes down to taste.

PS. If you like I can provide my Netbeans config file so you have all the right settings (code formatting) for working with Cotonti. Also have a look here and here.

Bu konu GHengeveld tarafından düzenlendi(2012-09-19 07:46, 11 yıllar önce)
#4 2012-09-19 10:42

I'd recommend NetBeans for PHP. It doesn't let you make simple mistakes or misspellings in the PHP code. It has autocompletion and can easily jump to function definitions and it has superior Git integration.

I've been using NetBeans for years, but currently switched to SublimeText2. I miss NetBeans' intelligence and Git helpers in it, but its font rendering looks so much better on my system and it is faster. If I didn't have the problem with NB fonts on XFCE4 I probably wouldn't switch to ST2.

May the Source be with you!
#5 2012-09-19 12:37

been using php designer for quite some time. Dont let the name fool you, you can do a lot of other stuff with it.

#6 2012-09-19 14:21
#35499 pieter:

Why not add a poll to the topic?

Simply because I did not have the possibility to add more than 3 options.


I've been using Notepad++ for quite a while now and absolutely loved it. The thing that made me decide to try out Sublime Text 2 though, is because ST2's autocompletion is a lot better.
Also package control in ST2 is awesome, it's got a list of very interesting packages.

Here are some good videos about ST2:

I did try NetBeans for a little while but I found it a bit slow and bulky. Especially on my older MacBook it just took too long for it to load.

#7 2012-09-19 15:03

Today I'm using Eclipse. For a some years I use simple text editors like FarEditor, Notepad++. Than after I discovered more development tools and needs (like FTP/SSH, CVS/SVN, debugging, autocompletion and PHPdoc support) I moved to more complex system like Eclipse. It's not fast to create dev enviroment suitable for yourself. But it's very configurable and extensible.

Some of my friends recommends PHPStorm ( as a good IDE, but I not tested it.

By the way, I recomment ZenCoding plugin (renamed to «Emmet» last days). It's fast way to write HTML and CSS files. This plugin exists for many IDE, such as: Eclipse, SublimeText2, NetBeans, Notepad++ and more...
Look at for examples.
правильный хостинг —
#8 2012-09-20 06:19

NetBeans for PHP

#9 2012-09-21 11:17

generally notepad normal, but sometimes if i need it im using Notepad++   :)))

Kurta sormuşlar senin ensen neden kalın ? diye, Kendi işimi kendim yaparımda ondan demiş...
#10 2012-09-21 15:31

As a translator I'm only using text/sourcecode editors like PSPad or Notepad++. I like PSPads management of whole directories, very comfortable if you need to replace some text in all files of a directory tree for example. I even use these editors for other php coding - however, writing small smippets and modifying other peoples work to my requirements is all I'm able to do. :)
Haven't tried one of the suggested IDE's as I have to use a screen-reader for computer access, and most of these programming platforms seems not that useful and/or accessible to speech and braille output.

#11 2012-09-24 08:20

Bu konu Gökhan YILDIZ tarafından düzenlendi(2012-09-24 08:38, 11 yıllar önce)
Nik Samokhvalov
#12 2012-09-24 08:29

Sublime Text 2 (+ WinSCP).

Sorry for my English.
#13 2012-09-25 17:36

Windows -> Dreamweaver and Notepad2

Linux -> Depends, but Gedit or any other text editor (even LeafPad). I don't use Emacs, but I honestly never gave it a chance.

- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
#14 2013-02-12 13:26

I prefer Codelobster PHP Edition
It is great free PHP/HTML/CSS editor that supports many popular frameworks

#15 2013-02-12 18:08
#35583 Nik Samokhvalov:

(+ WinSCP).

Yup, using and loving that too :)

