Forumlar / Cotonti / Extensions / [Beta Release] MediaLibrary2 Gallery


beta release of the medilib gallery

#61 2009-05-25 01:52
# NovoKain : Awersome plugin. Thanks!

Maybe add automatic crop image functional to plugin?

What do you mean? Auto crop?

if the img is above a certain specific size on upload. A 2nd thumb for that size will be created for the view page.

# DemptD : Agree! Best plugin for a looong time. And the support and development is superb!


This is the admin group, and i cant see those categories...

And if i edit a category it doesnt "remember" the rights i set for the groups, just removes everything.

If select all boxes on there it doesnt remeber it, removes all selections

Also the "Icon" for the categories, it doesnt show up when i add a url to a image in the box.

I see the tag is there:

<!-- BEGIN: CATEGORY -->				
							<a href="{CATEGORY_URL}">{CATEGORY_NAME}</a>
						<td style="text-align:center">
						<td style="text-align:center">{CATEGORY_SIZE}</td>
				<!-- END: CATEGORY -->

But the image doesnt show up.

.Fixed The Rights errors. Should work properly now

After testing, the icons do work for me? They might need an ./ for the path. I added icons for the folders on the default install now. They should work :S?

I also added ajavascript + ajax slideshow (using cotontis ajax compatability) (so for those who wanted a demo its in media lib), you will need to reinstall the plugin for the new file to hook ajax. You wont need to reinstall your DB tho.

For those who have alterd rights and dont know hwo to set them via phpmyadmin or something. let me know. Id write some sql for this however you may have many custom groups that wont work. The best options atm i can offer is the following:

change this line

	foreach ($mn as $code => $value)

on line 779 of core/global/medialibrary.functions.php to the following,
	foreach ($mn as $code => $value)
		$row['auth_rights_lock'] = 0;

Then save and edit your groups in the menu without locks, Then change it back when its all fixed. I can provide a file if you need it.

again link is the same

Bu konu Elgan tarafından düzenlendi(2009-05-27 01:06, 15 yıllar önce)
#62 2009-05-27 01:29
Ahh, i added the full URL not path in the box, works now.

And groups also works, just did that little modification to functions :)

Cool with that latest files slideshow in the index
#63 2009-05-27 01:49

is v.powerfull so it can be modded quite well from slideshow.js , tried to keep as much out of the tpl files as possible but it needs a little variables passed.

EDIT: i just updated the rar to grab alot more on ajax. Should be better if watching a slideshow for a bit. I had it set low for tests.

just a case of in medialibrary.ajax.php i changed on line 53 to this $per_ajx = 20; instead of 5 or something. Just how many pictures and comments to stream out.
#64 2009-05-27 02:45
Elgan, So something like this (or live exapmle (click on first photo in first row and first photo in second row)). Preview images have equal width and height
#65 2009-05-27 03:01
i still dont get what you're trying to say?

by preview images being the same size and height etc, You mean the thumbnails being square? THats to do with cotonti. You can change that in yout options or hack the thumbnail generation. I believe there is code in the forums somewhere. if thats what you mean?
#66 2009-05-27 03:33
Here you go, square thumbnails: :-D

To have it like the russian example above you just modify the code to not be 100x100, but something else.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#67 2009-05-27 06:54
Thanks! This is what I need

MediaLibrary2 does not work with cyrillic text (Events plugin too)

#68 2009-05-27 08:23
Medialibrary is a plugin which uses the cotonti engine and your database. What doesnt work? Make sure your databse type will support it and the sql tables are set to support it.

Granted i am British, and i dont have any knowledge or experience of cyrillic text. However if setop, i dont see why anything , plugin wise or not, shouldnt support it.

I might have to call upon others here for help, who understand a bit more on this subject.
#69 2009-05-27 09:24

Problem defined: plugin database is created in the latin1_swedish_ci encoding, instead of utf8_unicode_ci
#70 2009-05-27 19:41
# NovoKain : Sorry

Problem defined: plugin database is created in the latin1_swedish_ci encoding, instead of utf8_unicode_ci

I thought so. I actually took the collations out the sql when i uplkoaded this beta. I didnt wanna mess and force people onto things. I could set it as default again? Instead of expecting the user to do so, to their preferd charset.
#71 2009-05-28 08:55
Any easy way of viewing the full url to the big image?

When the lightbox "popup" comes i cant copy the image url


Sometimes the rights to view a category just disapears

Here, i add them again and they disapear after some time:

#72 2009-05-28 20:29
there is a FILE_URL tag. I am not sure where you want it tho? in the lightbox?

ill look at th rights again, curse the day i changed the code! grrr

and that last column is for "downloads" btw. Thats the one thats dissapearing? i notice a whole row is missing for photos. Or is it just random they dissapear?
#73 2009-05-28 23:18
# Elgan : there is a FILE_URL tag. I am not sure where you want it tho? in the lightbox?

ill look at th rights again, curse the day i changed the code! grrr

and that last column is for "downloads" btw. Thats the one thats dissapearing? i notice a whole row is missing for photos. Or is it just random they dissapear?

Okey, ill add the tag to view.tpl.

The whole rights row for the portfolio category keeps disapearing... It goes totally blank.
On the image is the rights for the guests.

On my admin group category the "Pictures" category disapears :-P
#74 2009-05-28 23:41
@ elgan

I discovered a little bug. When I go to my media, I can't delete anything. I can select a file but when I try to delete it, nothing happens.
#75 2009-05-29 01:49
very nice :)

but i've got a problem with the upload photo's to my website throught the flash uploader (multiple)
single uploader works

I tried what DemptD did with the crossdomain.xml but that didnt work

i installed the newest flash player on my pc but it doesnt work with it.
i'm using the as a host.

when i added the tag in my skin file it retuned this

2x // after
that looks strange to me.

thanks in advance
