Forumlar / Cotonti / Extensions / Improved Admin Quickview

Better shortcuts

#1 2009-02-06 04:55
I actually did this for my Seditio 125 installation, but it turned out the Cotonti team thought the same thing and added shortcuts to the most common features on the admin homepage. Although it is a great improvement, I feel my implementation is better, as it is arranged better and not so cluttered. Here's a screenshot:

I stripped out the original shortcuts in the adminqv plugin and replaced them with mine. As you can see I've seperated the links into four categories:
- Content
- Structure
- Management
- Information

Of course it it completely localisable, but I have only included language files for english and dutch.

> Download here

Sorry, the skin is private ;-)

Bu konu Koradhil tarafından düzenlendi(2009-02-06 05:08, 15 yıllar önce)