Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / A few questions

#17658 2009-10-10 20:18
Tell me please the next things:

1.How to make the Searchform work.
I'w put :
 <form class="searchform" action="plug.php?e=search" method="post">
                <input type="text" class="input" name="sq" value="{PHP.skinlang.header.Search}" size="15" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='{PHP.skinlang.header.Search}';" onfocus="if(this.value=='{PHP.skinlang.header.Search}') this.value='';" maxlength="32"  />
                <input type="image" src="skins/{}/img/pannels/searchbutton.png" class="search_button" value="submit">
in the index page,and when i press the search button i get "Wrong URL" error.

2.How to work with ratings.In the page I've put the needed tags.It seems to be working.
But when I've put the PAGE_ROW_RATINGS tag in the news tpl it showed an image with "vote0" file name(in previous versions when i used the ratings system it showed what i'w voted for in the page).How to fix this?

3.I saw in some topic here (but cant remember where) how to show in the list(like downloads) not only the things from that category,but with subcategories.How to do this?
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