Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / Blank page after 0.0.6 update

#16402 2009-08-23 06:55
Yeah, sorry noone mentioned it sooner but first step in an defected upgrade once you've gone over the upgrade steps 20 times and you're sure you didnt miss it (unfortunately it has happened that even after 20 tries certain people still didnt read all of the steps) ... then the correct thing is to uninstall all hooking plugins.

By all hooking plugins I mean plugins that hook to the specific problem area (like index.tags which you probably had now), then reinstall them one by one until you find the little bugger.

I wasnt aware that t3 indexer actually had an index hook (heck, it's a directory-file-shower).

Good to know.

We should definately have a plugins-not-totally-working-on-a-better-cms section :)
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