How to make a gallery with Pageavatar?

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For this tutorial I'm using Cotonti Siena 0.9.0, the Nemesis-theme, Pageavatar-plugin and fancybox

1. Installing Pageavatar for Siena: more details

2. Configuring Pageavatar for Siena: more details
For this tutorial I used: all|datas/photos|thumb250_-250-250|0||crop

3. Making pagecategories for the gallery

For this tutotial I used the following:

Make sure that all subcategories of the gallery are pointing to the template of gallery
Click on options of the subcatergory.
Category template
I also added a url to a Icon. This icon will be used to display the category.

4. Copy the fancybox directory to your root-directory:

5. Adding some TPL-templates for the gallery.
Make a copy from:
- page.add.tpl and rename the copy to
page.edit.tpl and rename the copy to
page.tpl and rename the copy to
- page.list.tpl and rename the copy to

In, add the part like discribed in installing Pageavatar:


In, add the part like discribed in installing Pageavatar:


In add before {PAGE_TEXT} the following:

<!-- IF {PAGE_AVATAR} --><a rel="example_group" href="../datas/photos/{PAGE_AVATAR}" title="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}"><img src="./datas/photos/thumb250_{PAGE_AVATAR}" alt="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}" /></a><br \><!-- ENDIF -->

For the fancybox-part we need to add the following, just below <!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->

		!window.jQuery && document.write('<script src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js"><\/script>');
	<script type="text/javascript" src="./fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="./fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" media="screen" />
 	<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
			*   Examples - images

				'transitionIn'		: 'none',
				'transitionOut'		: 'none',
				'titlePosition' 	: 'over',
				'titleFormat'		: function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) {
					return '<span id="fancybox-title-over">Image ' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' / ' + currentArray.length + (title.length ? ' &nbsp; ' + title : '') + '</span>';


In we need to add 3 parts:

a. Same script as above just after <!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->

b. The look and feel how the subcategories are displayed in the list.

	<p class="small">{LIST_ROWCAT_DESC}</p>
	<!-- ENDIF -->


<table style=" width:100%; text-align:center;">
	<col width=33%> <col width=33%> <col width=33%>
		<td style="background:transparent;">

		<td style="background:transparent;">
			<strong><a href="{LIST_ROWCAT_URL}">{LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE}</a></strong>
			<br />
			 <!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_ICON} -->
			<a href="{LIST_ROWCAT_URL}"><img src="{LIST_ROWCAT_ICON}" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Album: {LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE}" border="0" /></a>
			<br />
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			({LIST_ROWCAT_COUNT} photos)
			<br /><br />
			<!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_DESC} -->
			<span class="desc">{LIST_ROWCAT_DESC}</span>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_NUM} % 2 == 0 --> </tr><br /><tr> <!-- ENDIF -->		

	<!-- END: LIST_ROWCAT -->

		<td style="background:transparent;">

The tumbnails of the subcategories I made smaller than the tumbnails of the pages, to see some difference.

De IF structure with the "% 2" means that each time 2 items are displayed he we start a new <tr>. So you are making rows of 2 items.
This you can change according to your wanted layout.

c. The look and feel how the pages are displayed in the list.
They will get a title and a tumbnail.
If you click on the title, you will go to the page itself, to add comments, ..
If you click on the thumbnail it will open in a fancybox-popup window.


<!-- BEGIN: LIST_ROW -->
	<!-- IF {LIST_ROW_DESC} --><p class="small marginbottom10">{LIST_ROW_DESC}</p><!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF {PHP.usr.isadmin} --><p class="small marginbottom10">{LIST_ROW_ADMIN} ({LIST_ROW_COUNT})</p><!-- ENDIF -->
	<hr />
<!-- END: LIST_ROW -->



<table >
<col width=33%> <col width=33%> <col width=33%>
<!-- BEGIN: LIST_ROW -->
<a href="{LIST_ROW_URL}">{LIST_ROW_SHORTTITLE}</a><br \>
<!-- IF {LIST_ROW_AVATAR} --><a rel="example_group" href="../datas/photos/{LIST_ROW_AVATAR}" title="{LIST_CATTITLE} - {LIST_ROW_SHORTTITLE}"><img src="./datas/photos/thumb250_{LIST_ROW_AVATAR}" alt="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}" /></a><br \><!-- ENDIF -->
<p style="width:250px">{LIST_ROW_TEXT}</p><br \>
<br \><br \>
<!-- IF {LIST_ROW_NUM} % 2 == 0 --> </tr><tr> <!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END: LIST_ROW -->


You can adapt your pages like you want, with comments, ratings, ...
Remember: A Photo is just a page.

Special thanks to: for creating the excellent plugin
- Kort, for the assistence to make it work on my site. for the jquery plugin


Some screenshots:
1. Homepage of the gallery:
2. If you click on People in this example, he opens the category. Below you see there are 2 subcategories. Actresses and Acters.
The pictures for those subcategories are done by Icon-URL of the category.
The bigger pictures are pages that are displayed.
3. If you click on the screenshot above on the thumbnail of the page, he opens a popup-window.
Displaying the picture in original format, or as big as possible for the screen.
Below the picture you see the picture number and the total images. Also the category it belongs to and the title of the page.
4. If you had clicked on the title of the page instead of the thumnail, the page will over, like below. 
5. If you click on the thumbail, he opens the picture in a popup-window.


1. Bosco  2011-04-17 09:25

this looks so cool

Will most certainly use this.

thx a lot Pieter!

2. pieter  2011-04-17 09:28

Example can be found at:
Not sure how long it will be there.

If someone is interested, I can upload the files to here.

3. Bosco  2011-04-17 13:32

@ pieter

yes please

4. pieter  2011-04-17 14:00
5. esclkm  2011-04-17 15:51

waiting for pageavatar 4.0

6. Bosco  2011-04-17 16:11

thx Pieter


@ esclkm

Why, what's so special about that?

7. esclkm  2011-04-17 18:15

custom crop for each thumb

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